Ban 7.62x39 ammo!!!


New member
Give me a break. Ever hear of handloading? Lots of dies out there for that caliber, .30 cal bullets aren't hard to come by. If worse comes to worse, you could just rechamber your AK-47 to something that is more available or something you reload for. What a bunch of idiots. Maybe they should try enforcing the laws that are already existing instead of making new ones?


Oh, goodie. So the hellhole nations where each family has an AK to defend against attackers...they'll be defenseless. The militias that ride into town to kill them all, funded by warlords, can get new weapons.

Yay, make genocide easier!


Thankfully, this won't ever happen. I want to see this sort of moron tell the Russian manufacturers that they can't make any more. The answer would likely involve laughter.


New member
As if that would help.

Sure, I say go ahead and outlaw 7.62X39. Start enforcing it right after you get all the murderers, thugs, wanna-be bad guys, and drug dealers to turn theirs in. Oh, yeah, should probably make that after you successfully abolish murder, get people to see two sides of an argument, and so on. Pass a law, that'll solve the problem!:barf:


New member
I wonder if Darwin had studied political think tanks and uber-wonks instead of the Galapagos Islands; would he have just chucked the whole Evolution thing out the window?

If this story is indeed serious (it is so stupid I almost have to think it's along the lines of "A Modest Proposal") then the writer should be required to register his Word Processor and Computer. He should not be allowed more than 10 words per article. No more Hyperbole or Similes, he just can't be trusted with suck deadly forms of language.

I also think he should be required to use nothing more elaborate than a mimeograph machine and snail mail. Being able to push one button and have this shot out to multiple targets is just too dangerous.


New member
Considering that we are buying new AKs and issuing them to the Iraqis, I doubt the supply of ammo is going anywhere.


New member
That article is biased & wrong!
1.the ak was not around in WW1- Invented in 1947 Thus the name AK-47!
2.If people in africa & other such places can not afford the ammo, or not aquire it, Then they will do what the REST of the world does when a supply runs out--SWITCH to the next best thing!

If people want to kill people,They will find ways to do it.And if people want to shoot people then they will find the means,weather by ak or slingshot or bows and arrows.Outlawing the ammo is not the answer!

long live the 7.62x39
A BIG + 1:D

hot sauce

New member
I was reading the comments and was wondering if those guys ever heard of the AK-74? Basically a AK-47 but fires 5.56 instead of 7.62. Morons!! What happened to guns dont kill people, people do! Take away the ammo and they will just flip down the bayonette.


Well, the AK-74 really fires 5.54x39, not 5.56x45, but yes, there are variants. There's also the AK-101 and Galil, which DO fire 5.56 NATO.

The point is, it's the misuse, not the tool, not the caliber.


Don't these idiots realize that if you ban the 7.62X39 round, they will just resort to machetes!

And then it will be right back to square one...the law of the jungle:
The physically strong will prey upon the physically weak.

Guns are THE great equalizer.


New member
I'm glad to call myself a member of TFL with other members having a logical point of view! And no matter our different walks of life ,we all are here to help protect the cause!:D

P.s. if guns kill people ,then my keyboard makes me mispell my words;)


New member

This describes the author quite well.


New member
The author is a moron. This statement, "ammo degrades rapidly" shows he doesn't know what he's talking about. Modern center-fire ammo will have a shelf-life, even under less than ideal conditions, that outlasts most individuals' lifespans. I used to have some respect for strategypage but no more.
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Scott Conklin

New member
It's just amazing to me what can not only make it into "print" but actually get attention these days. This whole idea is worthy of a short bark of laughter and nothing more...and yet even I'm wasting time commenting on it. Yeesh. :rolleyes:


New member
Lets not get too hard on Strategypage. On every forum you are going to have your share of wackjobs and pipe dreamers. In the comments the author is getting the proper reaming they deserve.

The Tourist

Ya' know, if you banned 22LR ammo you could probably put Mafia hitmen out of business, as well...

What ignorant logic.

If I wanted to kill you, and 7.62x39 ammo was banned, I'd get you with a crossbow. If crossbows were made illegal, I'd drop a safe on you.

There is an up-side. If these journalists were made illegal, we'd still have cartoons...


New member
I just bought some 7.62 x 39mm today along with a brick of .22lr at Walmart. Every gun owner should look into getting guns of multiple different calibers.


New member
The author of that article overlooked one basic flaw in his plan:

Just where is he going to pass this law, and how will he enforce it?

Making the ammo illegal in this country will not affect ammo supplies in, say, Somalia, so you would have to get every country in the world to pass this law. How likely is that?