Ballistic snow


New member
A couple of week ago, I was out back, trying out some new mag extensions. I was shooting 25 ft, down into a pile of snow. Now that the snow's gone, this is what I found on the ground.


It's a shame I can't use these again.

Lost Sheep

New member
Why not?

I am not sure if accuracy would suffer, but if they have no embedded grit, I don't know what danger there would be. If they are swaged down from the previous firing, there might be gasses leaking past them. Put a set of calipers on them and compare to the diameter of new bullets and see.

Lost Sheep

P.S. Off-thread, but I suppose the ground was frozen under the snow, so the bullets didn't go deep into the earth. (They could have ricosheted back, though, so be careful.)

But just for laughs, check these videos out. I saw a video a year or so ago. It has been updated since then with these:
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New member
The Winter Warfare School in Vermont teaches that piling snow in front of your position will provide cover from incoming direct fire. Not even tight packed, just thick like a snow bank.



New member
I learn something everyday here. I think I'll reload them if they measure up. I'll chrony them just for kicks. Next winter, I'll build a snow backstop on some screem with the tractor. This could bring my winter shooting to a new level! Thanks, guys.


New member
My outdoor range in the winter plows a 100 yard path to the berm. It's generally a two wide push to the main target board and ends up with snow banks on either side. Since the banks are right in front of the berm, many folks set clay pigeons on the front side of them for easily seen reactive targets. Every spring when the snow melts there are two piles of near perfect bullets where the banks were.


New member
I cast bullets and a snow berm in the Winter is perfect because come Spring I just pick my Boollits up from on top of the ground and recast them.