Bad/Old Shells?


New member
So on Thanksgiving my brother-in-law and I decided to shoot a little. When I got back up to the house after we shot 4 shells through my shotgun I noticed something a little strange about the empty casings--2 of them had pits/holes where it looked like the buckshot had go through the side of the casing. Is this normal? The shells were my grandfather's and probably at least 10 years old, could that affect how the buckshot is pushed out of the shell?



New member
Even if they're 10 years old - we were all using plastic wads on relaods - and in fact for the last 30 years or more.... The plastic wad holds the shot inside the petals - and as the shell is fired - the wad leaves the shell along with the shot.

How you ended up with holes in the hull is a mystery to me - usually they will crack along the sides or at the folds of the crimp. If they were factory shells its even more curious. As long as they are the proper length for the chamber of your gun - I doubt I'd be too nervous about shooting them / but you might show the spent shells to someone you know that is more into shotgunning and relaoding and see if they have any input for you before you keep shooting them.

Death from Afar

New member
A while ago i acquired a mountai nof old shells of various dubious origins. SOme were paper shells, which given the headstamps indicted they were at least 40 years old. While some cracked down the head of the case, the bulk went bang. NOte to all users- always wear eye protection when shooting old stuff- you just dont know.....


New member
They were factory shells, as I am sure that my grandfather didn't load his own shells. I believe they are either Federal or Winchester shells. I will fire a few more shells and take them into my local gunshop to see what the gunsmith says.



New member
I got some old paper 12 gauge shells with a roll over crimp. I looked where the paper and brass join. there was some pin holes in some of them so I shot them in my 870. they went off just fine as well as the paper part going out the barrel as well. if you have some old paper shells and shoot them make sure the barrel is clear after each shot. if you have complete boxes of some of the old paper shells in the original box I wouldn't shoot them as there might be some collector value there.


New member
Were the holes in the sides of the case? If so, I suppose, and it's simply a SWAG (Simple Wild A..... Guess) that MAYBE the shot over the years had pressed a "dimple" in the sides of the case and weakened them in that place.

As I said, just a guess though.