Bad news.

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Member In Memoriam
Hi all............back from offshore a lot sooner than expected.

I got a call yesterday afternoon while in the Gulf of Mexico that my wifes mother had passed away. It was not totally unexpected.

I managed to get a flight in late yesterday afternoon even though the squall lines were bad in advance of the cold front that was passing through.

The funeral will be Thursday at 1PM at St. Joseph's in Centerville, La.

I have a flight lined up Saturday morning at 6AM in Intracoastal City, La. to get me back offshore.........................after all the cook that I had out there trained at Commander's Palace Restaurant in New Orleans, so I have to get back out there to "critique" his cooking! :D. I also have to get all settled in so I can be ready for the National Televison game on ESPN that night...............LSU-Alabama. :D

John Forsyth

New member
Sorry to hear about that. Always seems to happen at the change of the seasons.

Been a long time since I was in Intercoastal City. I do not know if they are in existence anymore, I worked my way through college as a roughneck for Diamond M Drilling in Morgan City. After getting out of college I was with Schlumberger in Larose. Stayed with them till the bust in '85.

Beat Bama! You have a Vol fan rooting for you.
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