Bad Dream

Last night I woke up from a dream in a cold sweat (could have been the finger food we ate while watching "Band of Brothers")

Here's the dream...

Was coming out of a movie and waiting for my wife to get out of the bathroom. All of a sudden two rather large thugs come towards me. One of them is saying "we're gonna to rob you, dont make a sound" At first I think it's a joke, but then they have me by my arms and take me down to the floor. I glance over and there's another thug standing guard, looking around, and what looks like a crowd of their friends blocking the view.

They each have a shoulder pinned down, the one on my left pinning down my whole arm. The one on the right starts taking my glasses off and I say "please dont take my glasses." He says something to the effect of "I told you not to say anything", and he starts bringing his arm back to punch me in the face.

That's when I pull out my 2" .38 from it's belly band. I put it in his crotch and shoot, hitting him in the leg/crotch area. He sort of rolls off me, clutch his groin area. I bring up the gun and shoot the other right in the side of the head. By then everything is slow-mo. The "guard" is just sort of standing there, his hand reaching into his pants. The "friends" are starting to turn in horror.

That's when I woke up.

The dream happened at a theater we frequent, that does tend to have gang-bangers hanging around. Don't know that I'll be going back there. The theater we normally go to usually has a sheriff on Friday and Saturday nights. Can't say that I ever remember there being one where the dream occured.

I went over it in my head and realized the tactical mistakes I made. Normally I don't stand that close to people, especially not gang-bangers. I was tired (it was the last movie), and distracted, not paying attention.

It also struck me that the tactics they used were pretty good, though they weren't carefull. Had they pinned both arms and not just my shoulders I wouldn't have been able to move.

Anyway, nice having a dream waking me up, rather than reality...

Was also wondering how often other people have dreams like this?


New member
It was a dream that got me involved in the gun control issue.

I had never considered carrying before I woke in a cold sweat from this dream.

I was working in the wee hours of the morning. A white truck pulled up behind mine as I was putting my equipment away. A man jumped out and I found myself looking into the wide mouth of a revolver barrel. He demanded money, so I gave him all I had, which was a $20 dollar bill.

"Get on the ground, face down," he ordered after taking the money.

I did, and he promptly shot me in the back several times.

I just knew I was going to die.

At that point I sat up, taking in a huge lungful of air and felt the sweat dripping from my face.

It was about 3am and I did not go back to sleep. That morning it happened that I was to service a customer of mine that was a gun dealer.

I bought my first handgun and holster, and went out to the range to practice...

There have been very few days since that I have NOT carried.


New member
I had one a few nights ago. Was on a bus that was going to be hijacked. Strange thing is that as it started to happened, I pulled out a kahr k40(strange because I don't own one) and shot two of the bad guys. Then the gun jammed. Luckily, one of the bad guys that was shot dropped a double barreled shotgun, which I was able to pick up and use to shoot the other two bad guys.

I really couldn't find any meaning in it other than I need to get a k40 and a double barreled shotgun. :)