Bad Bull Muzzleloaders: Holy Smokes!


New member

A buddy of mine showed me the website above, and he's all excited about getting one of those rifles. They're cool, no doubt about that, but I can't help thinking that he's going to be using reduced loads in short order... they claim 6000 ft*lbs at the muzzle using a 300 gr. bullet! That's like two 30-06 going off at once! What do you guys think?


New member
Drooling (chin wiping) more drooling. The rifle based off of the ruger no.1, lots more drooling. Wow, and some of them are downright beautiful as well.


New member
Check the regulations in your State before buying one. Where I live you can't use a muzzle loader like that. Full bore bullets or round ball only no Sabot's, bullet can't be more than twice the length of the diameter. No smokeless poweder of pellets, and no optics unless you are handicapped with vision that can't be corrected to 20/30.

Cool ML for sure and they aren't the only ones that build LR ML's. There are several companies out there that build them. Some guys have been successful out past 500 yards with them.


New member
All I can say is: remember that thing about Newton's Laws? You know, the "equal and opposite" part? 6,000 ft-lbs of energy? How much recoil do you think that rifle would have? 275 gr bullet at over 3,100 fps is faster than a 378 Weatherby. Let me suggest that the recoil will keep you from shooting very many rounds.


New member
Maybe I'm missing something here.

From what I read on that site is it uses smokeless powder and rifle primers.

Based on common rifles (Remington 700s, Ruger #1, etc).

So it looks to me to be a rifle modified to shoot without a cartridge case with a higher price.

It shoots a 275 - 300 grn bullet faster about 500 fps faster then a 375 H&H or 300 fps faster then a 378 Weatherby Magnum.

I don't know of anything on this planet the H&H or Weatherby would kill so it looks to me the only advantage of this super muzzle loader is..................well no, I don't think I see an advantage.

I bet it would hurt though.