background check time


New member
...has anyone else noticed that background checks seem to be taking a longer time than befor? I mean that I used to get approved over the phone and now it seems to take longer...most recent was three days(wed to tuesday?) and no call back..time before was 2 days and call back ...before that was about 1.5 hours and call back...I guess they must be swamped...

And another thing ...If you can get approved on Saturday why doesn't it count as a working day ?

Tex S

New member
I am Texas CHL and because of that there is no wait. I just fill out the paper and they hand me the gun. No phone call, muss, or fuss.:cool:


New member
A SC CWP will get you the same treatment. You fill out the 4473. They fill out their part. No phone call, no hassle. My last 4 or 5 guns have been purchased that way.

Only trouble is finding an opening in a class. You have to sign up months in advance because the classes are filling up so fast.


New member
I have never waited more then 15 minuets in Florida .with a cwl we have to pay the five dollars ever time you buy a hand or long gun but i have not had to wait long.:D