Back to Square 1


New member
About a month or so ago I traded my well worn Kimber in for a Colt Combat Elite. Finally made it to the range yesterday afternoon to give it a whirl. I have to say, I miss my Kimber. While she was experiencing extraction/ejection problems which made me trade her in, she matched my hands so well and my confidance in her had me able to hit what I wanted to hit.

Its a new gun, so I will have to adjust to it, get comfortable shooting a 1911 without front strap checkering, and an overall different trigger. Its a nice trigger, just not the same pull I have been used to since 2003.

I felt like I was shooting a pistol for the first time. Was so depressing seeing an 8 inch group at 10 yards. I'll be going back to the range next weekend to get more trigger time in. Hopefully improve my shooting.


New member
I sort of felt the same way last week when I watched my 13 year old, worn out Ford Ranger loaded on a flat bed wrecker on its way to the scrap yard. Kind of felt like I was saying goodbye to an old friend. :(

It's hard to give up things we are used to and are comfrotable with . . . look at it this way . . . she served you well, now it's time to move on. Sounds like the replacement is very nice and you'll he fun "getting acquainted". It won't take long and it will be your new sweetheart. :)


New member
Same here with my sig 229. I like it. But it's just not like my XD40. I miss the grip safety and the two bullet indicators. I shoot the sig when I go to the range but it just doesn't have the same "feel" as my XD's and I'm just not as accurate with the sig as I am with the XD.


New member
Give it some time to grow on you. My Combat Elite that I got from Ken a few years ago is easily my favorite 1911 to shoot. Just give it some time.