Back to "hunting rifles are safe from confiscation" (pic)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus



New member
Dingos ate your rifle!

Mr. Wolf, maybe you should see if Sarah Brady is available to model for you? She could bring her Big Green ought six.:D

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
KSF, do you want my lenses to break and my psyche to require therapy!? What kind of a nasty, sick, callous advice is that? Then again, maybe I could fit her into a fladbed scanner and use the printout to ward off burglars...


New member
Oleg.. why does that sound familiar? ;)

Seriously though.. I LOVE the idea, but think the image might work better with a military-type rifle in the frame as well, perhaps an AR slung over her shoulder, similar to this one of yours?


PS.. can you please please please rubber-stamp out that obnoxious frame-safety? It throws the beauty of that rifle all to heck... :p


Moderator Emeritus

...that's not a "Hunting Rifle", it's a 19th Century "Assault Weapon"! :eek:
*sound of children & wimmenfolk scurrying for cover, doors being bolted, dogs whimpering*


New member
Sorry Tam.. it's just that some things are against God's Grand Design, and them derned infernal frame mounted safeties on lever guns definately qualify. It jest ain't natural I tell ya!
That said, sometimes a little bit of "un-naturalness" is good, so to each her own, I reckon. ;)

Sure thing on the assault gun thing though. I think if we had the pols in the 1860s we do now, every single arm out there that ain't a front-stuffer would be LEO only!

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New member
DARN dz, that's one of the better composite jobs I've ever seen.. neat!

(and I suspect he'da liked a .308 better... nyahh! ;))



New member
Just lovely.

Oleg - the moment I can make my GF haul my SIG 510, we can shoot a similar picture here. My aunt, after all, is professional photographer...