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New member
The High Road has always been espoused as the route to choose when posting here, a policy I applaud and try to adhere to, although I have been known to slide down hill from time to time.

Personal attacks and profanity are not part of the High Road Philosophy. Nor is trolling, racial slurs, discussions advocating illegal activities, crude suggestions, and general loutishness.

The idea is to discuss firearm mechanics and philosophy. Debate and education. Advice and comraderie. Like ladies and gentlemen.

Today I read a post where a guy is expressing (no pun intended) a bowl movement. Learned several ways to spell bastard. I see posts every so often that have profanity in the title. See profanity all the time with sneaky asteriks and dollar signs interspersed, so as not to offend the dullards I suppose.

If you can't rant without swearing, maybe you should read more and post less. You can make a fool of yourself without crude language. I do it all the time. ;)


New member
Thanks, AR-10.

I recall once hearing a quote from George Washington where he admonishes his officers to refrain from coarse language unbecoming the gentleman. Read something very similar from George Patton as well.

When I was young, I supposed that all men spoke with foul language. After I became old enough to know a few real men, I discovered that the finest of them used very little profanity at all. Perspective changes, I guess.