Back, once again!

Greetings old friends that remember me - 'Elchimangopete'I think my nick was then, back when TFL was new (I changed the name a little as since, had to move and lost the old e-mail in the process). Still in Cordoba, Argentina, where alas, gun owners are mecoming an ever more endangered spieces - we've always had registration, lived with it for about three decades but the current administration (cozy friends of Hugo Chavez the Venezuelan wannabe Castro) is finding ways to harass us and complicate our lives - short of outright confiscation.

Well, my alternative residence is Britain, so in this sense at least I guess I'm better off.

Hasta pronto - Peter
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New member
A lot has happened since you've been gone. We have been invaded by an alien race who eat guns for food. Their leaders come disguised as presidential candidates from both parties. I've got to go.... my 21 year old daughter is a spy, and she's coming!