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Harry Humphries

Staff Alumnus
I want to thank you folks for hanging in there with us. As you have seen, Mike Mello, our Hack and Chop Guy, is quite capable and I can never say enough about his professionalism and silent pride. We are very lucky to have him as one of our senior instructors.

Chalker and I just came back from training the BORTAC guys in El Paso TX. They were excellent professionals and, as always when working with quality - it was great fun.

Mike Mello, Dennis Chalker and I will be presenting our AFCQC program at the ASP Training Conference in the Milwaukee area which begins Feb 2 and runs through Feb 4. I believe it is being put on by the Tactical Officers Association of Wisconsin - it is open for an entry fee to you LE types.

[This message has been edited by Harry Humphries (edited 01-13-99).]