Back from shooting some Wolf ammo. :(

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Cavè Canem

New member
Just bought 7 boxes of the SW.40 Wolf ammo. We had a about 30 or 40 FTF. In the end we managed to get all but 4 to fire. This ammo was shot out of a G23 (less then a year old) and two different H&K USP40's, one is about 2 years old, the other was just recently issued to my friend who is a LEO. We only had one double feed but the FTF were enough to make all of us never buy the stuff again. I will NEVER buy the pistol ammo again.

Now after doing a search on TFL, I am hesitant to shoot this ammo out of my AR-15. Seems kinda senseless to risk a $700 gun on $2 ammo.

Do any of you have experience with Wolf in a Bushmaster AR-15 (XM-15E2S)?

Of the FTF rounds, the hammer was dropped at least 8 times with each gun and it never fired. This is dissapointing but I guess you get what you pay for.

Thanks for any advice and info.


New member

I've used the .45ACP Wolf in my Kimber Classic Stainless without any problems - but just 1 box.

I have read of problems with the ammo though. Not sure if it has to do with the steel case or not, as I have shot hundreds of steel cased rounds from my Makarov without a single malfunction. It wasn't Wolf ammo though.

Dave R

New member
I really don't like Wolf pistol ammo, but I never had a problem with FTF. Mabe its hard primers, and your Glock is a striker-fired pistol. My hammer-fired BHP made 'em go boom every time. I had major FTE problems, with cases stuck badly in the chamber.

I've used Wolf in my AK, but it was made for that.


New member
Sorry to hear about that. I have probably sent or watched 500+ rounds of wolf 9mmP go down range our last couple trips to the range with no FTF or FTE problems at all, and a friend of mine just shot up 750 rounds at an OPS class through his G19 with no problems.

The stuff is dirty as hell but it all went bang. Had thought about getting a case of .45 for my 625, but now I think I might just get a box and see how it does.

<Edited to correct 9 finger typing.>


New member
I've used Wolf ammo in my Bushmaster with no problem, though I prefer PMP for cheap plinking. Never tried Wolf pistol ammo.

Cavè Canem

New member
If I had only shot the ammo through my G23 I would have taken it to my local Glock Armorer to have it checked out but this stuff was shot through 2 different H&K USP40's with the same result.

I have shot Wolf .45 a while back and I dont remember having any problems. Maybe it was just the .40 ammo that was messed up.

Welp, I hope it doesn't hurt my AR. I think I would die if I broke that thing.

J. Parker

New member
Put probably 200 rounds or so thru my Ruskie SKS without a problem. Haven't used their pistol ammo. Thanks for the heads up. Best, J. Parker


New member
I have over a case (into my second case) of 5.56 Wolf ammo through my Colt M 4gery carbine without any problems. I have been happy with it and will probably buy more.


New member
Cavè Canem,
I recently got a box of Wolf .45 at a gun shop to use on the indoor range.
Had many hard primers.
Called Wolf later and they said they had sent out a batch of .45 with hard primers. They offered to pay shipping to return any left over ammo, and replace it with good stuff.

That said, I have never shot the .40, but have shot probably 3000 rounds of 9mm in Glocks, Browning HP, and recently my Kahr with no problem.
It didn't want to feed in the last KelTec I had, but it wouldn't feed Win. white box either.

As for your Bushmaster, I 've shot around 500 rds Wolf, and 500 rounds Bernaul in mine, with no problems, and my gun didn't break. ;)
Also put at least that much through a Mini 14.

I mix up what I shoot in my AR.
GA Arms, Wolf, Bernaul, PMP battlepacks, Win Q3131a.
So far I haven't found anything it won't shoot.

Some people hate Wolf. I don't love it, but I'll buy it if the price is right.

Cavè Canem

New member
Well unfortunately I dont have any of the boxes, cases or unfired rounds. We finally got all but 4 to fire and I threw those away at the gun range. I will keep this in mind and give them a call to ask if maybe something was wrong with that batch. I still have my reciept so hopefully they will send me more or re-inberse me for my troubles. :)

Thanks for the positive note on the AR. I was wondering what I was going to do with 200+ rounds of ammo. I think I am going to the range this weekend so ill have to shoot some and see what happens.

Thanks for the info.


New member
Ledbetter on Ammo Advice

WESHOOT2 is right on the money. I haven't ever felt the need to experiment with steel-cased Russian-assembled ammunition in the guns I own, all of which, AFAIK, are designed to shoot brass-cased ammo.



New member
I kinda reserve eastern bloc ammo for my eastern bloc guns.
Wolf, Braunul(sp.) for my Ak, Sks, CZ and etc

I stick w/ western ammo for my western guns
Fed, Win for Ar, FNs, etc, this includes Sigs, HKs and etc.

I've tried S&B(Rep. of CZ) on Kimber classic and didn't have any problem.

Cavè Canem

New member
I've shot a bunch of S&B out of all my guns and have never had a problem with it. I guess that will become my cheap range ammo.


New member
I have about 3k rounds of Wolf 9 mm through my HS2K. I have 2 FTF in the first magazine I ever fired through the pistol but that was my fault for not letting the trigger reset. Other than this, I have not had any other problems with it. I will say that the ammo is probably loaded very darn near the maximum SAMMI specs. As a matter of fact I used it to break my SW5 in. I have not used any of the 40 or 45 and have not really heard anything but bad about them.

It really chaps my a$$ that some people are so condenscending as to chide someone for using a certain ammo. If it is so much of a concern to you what someone feeds their firearm, you buy what you deem proper ammo and give it to them. I am not saying that one should go out and buy a whole case of something that has not been proven in one's firearm, but there is nothing wrong with trying out something new. I am sure you drive out of way to pay higher permium prices for your fuel too.

J. Parker

New member
Another thumbs up for S&B ammo. Actually, I've used S&B ammo for a few years now without any problems. IMO, good stuff that S&B. Best, J. Parker


New member
The quality control of Wolf just isn't up to snuff to shoot it in anything but eastern bloc assault rifles. I've shot lots of it in my AK and even some in my ARs but sooner or later the Wolf will bite you. Steel on steel isn't a good thing and the lacquer sooner or later builds up especially if you let a round sit in a hot chamber for a while. I wouldn't dare shoot it in any of my pistols especially ones that I would consider carrying for defense. Sure there are plenty of people that will tell you they have shot it with no problems but its kind of like walking across the street with your eyes closed. You might make it a few times but sooner or later...


New member

To all those who buy the cheapest ammo they can find and then complain about its performance, I can only say "Morons."

There, I feel better.


See, I sell the MOST expensive ammo, and no one EVER complains LOL.
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