Baby wipes and gun cleaning kits

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New member
One of my best friend's sons is on his second deployment in the 'stan. Got a request from him today and you know what he asked for? A gun cleaning kit. Seems they are having to use baby wipes and Q-tips to clean their weapons. Sorry state of affairs when the army doesn't provide the basics of what is necessary for our guys. Really ticks me off. I ordered him one tonight along with a bottle of CLP. Please do not forget the young men and women that are serving, as they really do need our help.


New member
I wouldn't put too much stock into it
Soldiers generally want different stuff than what they've been issued. Baby wipes are a high demand item every since they hit the market. They are used to clean everything from bums to headlights.
As far as cleaning guns goes; soldiers will try anything besides what was issued to them...

If you truly believe that there's a problem, you must be really sure, then you can contact your congressman's office and they'll look into it. I've done it before, they'll send you a letter telling you the results of their findings.

Faster results would involve contacting the IGs office (inspector general) but, you must be 100% sure that something is amiss.


New member
This is kind of a sore subject with me. I don't believe its a shortage of "gun cleaning gear" I believe its a case of people not using or understanding the system.

Many years ago, I got orders for Vietnam. I heard the horror stories of people dying because they couldn't get cleaning equipment for their rifles.

So I got a cleaning kit for the M16 and took it with me. Only to find out the supply room was full of cleaning gear, what was missing was the request form the field for cleaning gear.

I was in an infantry unit, we'd go out for 30-60 days at a time, About once a week we'd get re-supplied. The plt. sgt would come around to get a list of equipment people wanted. You wanted a cleaning kid, put it on the list and you got it. I've seen some of my fellow grunts complain about lack of cleaning gear, they didn't have it because they didn't request it.

Ask and you will receive works here.

Fast forward to 2003, my wife was deployed, worked in C 2 CFLCC (that's Coalition forces Intel. She had contact with a lot of grunts in the field.

So she'd call me telling me of all the shortages, and I'd send all sorts of "stuff" to her to be distributed. One of the biggest request was batteries. Always short of batteries.

Anyway, as her tour went on, I became more worried. The only thing I knew of war was the jungles of Vietnam and I didn't like my wife was involved.

So being a retired Infantry Officer I knew if I want over, they would have to let me stay in the camps, So I did, I flew over and was able to stay with her. Turns out it wasn't as bad as I feared. But that's not the point. I started hitting up the S/G/C - 4 sections talking about company trains, supply and suck.

I found out this is the new army, everything uses batteries and there fore, when they gathered supplies to fight the war, they gathered batteries, They always had batteries, what they didn't have was 'request for batteries"

There were other items, I just used batteries as an example.

I'm not saying not to send the stuff requested. We need to do that for moral purposes regardless of the Company Trains and Request issues.

But we also need to teach our soldiers to use the system. We have the best equipped army in the world. You'll probably find that all you have to do is asked.

In combat, most supply people will get you what your ask for regardless of TO&E.

I order and got stuff I that I wasn't authorized all the time. Supply didn't try to second guess me.

There are exceptions of course, I was Airborne Infantry, if I asked for a M-60 tank, they would have told me to pound sand. But if they thought I could hump it, they'd send to me.


Spats McGee

While firearms are mentioned in the OP, this isn't really "firearms-related." It's more "supply line related."

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