Baby Eagle .45


New member
I have a Baby Eagle and have been real pleased. In about 350 rounds I don't think ever had a misfire. It shoots right where your looking and with light recoil. It was pretty stiff at first but it broke in or else I'm getting used to it. Has anyone else had experience with one? The decocker is hard on the hand when working the slide and I'm thinking or grinding the corners (or leading ends) off to a tapered edge. Any advice will be appreciated.


New member
I have a Baby Eagle 9mm, I had to send it back because the clip would fall out while shooting. I bought another clip and after the last round fired, it would still complete a full cycle.

I'm still waiting to hear back from them.


New member
Baby Eagle

I also have the BE 9mm. Great handgun for the money and not one problem. ;)
Timekeeper, My safety/ decocker is frame mounted and does not give me a problem :)


New member
The BEagle's decockers are fairly rounded already, I don't know how much you could improve them. I used to have find them irritating as well, but adapted my grip on the slide to them. I can't really describe the type of grip to use, all I can say is you should spend some time playing with it to see if you can live with it before you start grinding away at it ;)

Damn I wish they'd make a BEagle .45 with the full-length barrel, I'd buy one of those SO FAST.


New member
I'll take your advice nyetter. I was going to griind this week with a dremmel but I'll give it a while. Sure is irritating to me . It's the end or front edge. I think I can slope it foreward. I like the gun enough I doubt I'll ever part with it.