Baby Desert Eagle


New member
New to plastic guns but finally went out and bought one. Because I was in the mood for something new and I'm me I went and bought something original. I looked high and low and finally found a baby desert eagle at the PX on Lejeune for right at 500 out the door. I'm bored and I can't go to sleep so I decided to comment.

The gun is really pretty to look at, that was the first thing to really grip me when I saw her. Also balanced very well, I love the feel except for the palm swell at the base of the backstrap. That's not too annoying, definatly not worse than a Glock. Pistol is very crisp... there's no free play at all, anywhere. slide is pretty darn light, which me thinks helps add to the balance of the pistol, but it's hard grab and the spring is HEAVY. I've gotten used to it now so no real problem but you have to man up to rack the slide. I kinda like that, though.

The trigger is a bit hard, especially in DA, with a smidgen of take up in SA but it is a VERY clean trigger that is easy to shoot. The safety is a butt-pain, though. I am an advocate of manual safeties on all weapons, so that automatically discounts a lot of nice pistols for me that I would otherwise love to own. Anywho, the safety is slide mounted and is flipped up for kill mode... opposite 1911 style so it's a quirk but I can deal with it, even though it's so hard to flip the safety that I'm sure a couple of thousand rounds will develope a calous on my thumb.

The pistol is definatly more accurate than I am, but I'm not used to light guns with short barrels. It feels good but it takes A LOT of practice to shoot well. Anywho, I'm actually starting to get tired now so I getter go... I'll post a picture soon.


New member
My wifes favorite....

My wife has a BDE 9mm that she absolutely loves. It's a great looking pistol and has never had any kind of malfunction. She uses it for a car gun and a fun range gun with a 4lb single action trigger.
I find it a little bulky for a ccw especially with those Micky Mouse ear safeties that dig into your fingers when you manually rack the slide. No doubt it's a good pistol but I like my S & W, M & P's better.;)


New member
I love it when I see folks form threads on the BDE. I own a full sized .45 and I love it. Man there's nothing like a pistol that has some weight to it! Most times when I go to the range, folks inquire about the pistol like the feel of it in their hands, and the out of the box accuracy! Good choice Wheeler0351.


New member
I rememeber looking at one in chrome at a gun show - and it was very slippery trying to rack the slide. If you had even the smallest amount of palm sweat, it was pretty much impossible. And yeah, the saftey way up on on the slide is kinda werid too...


New member
I had a BDE steel frame .40 w/a 4" barrel a few years ago, I traded it for my Sig 228 9MM(limited funds at that time). Sure wish I still had it:(, it was a great shooter, very accurate. A little too heavy for CC, but shooting it was a dream.


New member
Picture as promised

Let's see if this thing works like I want.

Okay, it sortof did. How do you post pictures on the thread without attaching?


  • guns 013.jpg
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New member
Nice looking pistol! Do you plan on using that as your CCW? Reason I'm asking is because CCW holsters are limited for the baby eagle.


New member
Yeah, I am planning on using it...

I haven't looked around much for holsters, but I already have a generic holster (holster only, no clip or securing device) that I wound up with that she fits in. It's a bit snug but I like it that way for retention. I'm gonna rig up something to secure it IWB. I'll post a picture if I come up with anything revolutionary, but don't anticipate that...


New member
I have a Jericho 941 (purchased 1991, before the rebranding) and I have to say I really love it. As far as holsters go, the selection is a bit lacking. On a whim I tried it out in my Sig P226 drop holster and found that it fits quite nicely. You may want to look at those if you pursue a new holster. Now if I could just find an inexpensive source for .41AE....


New member

This sure is nice