baby browning

rob i

New member
Went to a gun show yesterday and came across this little guy. There were two guns I was on the hunt for yesterday. One was a sig p290, and the other a PSA-25 (copy of the baby browning).

There were 2 p290's at the entire show. One was $639, and the other identical model at another table was $750. I figured, they're cheaper than that on gun broker, so i'll pass.

I didn't see any PSA-25's at all, but I noticed this little tiny browning out of the corner of my eyes while walking down one of the aisles. It looked pretty clean and was much smaller than I remembered.

I cleaned it up when I got home, and everything looked very good. The bore looks shiny and new. I also found out it was made in 1964. I plan on giving it a whirl today at the range. Hope it shoots nice!



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    baby browning clean right wallet close.jpg
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  • baby browning clean wallet close.jpg
    baby browning clean wallet close.jpg
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New member
Nice find. Looks like its in real good shape. :)

I carried a Baby or one of its PSP variants for a number of years as a back up. Never carried a round in the chamber with it after my buddys went off in his back pocket when he bent over in the garden though.

rob i

New member
thanks! I have read the many warnings about carrying this with a round in the chamber. I will heed this advice.

Hoping it proves to be reliable. It's a really neat little gun.



New member
Nice Find

Nice find. I looked at one in a LGS last week. Just couldn't buy it because I have no need for one and I wouldn't carry it, especially if I couldn't carry one in the chamber. It does look cool though. Good luck with yours.

rob i

New member
Just got back from the range. Fired 50 rounds out of the browning. Worked perfectly. No jams. Takes a little getting used to those sights though!


New member
I have one, but mine says "Baby" at the bottom of the grips.

I wonder if that adds to the value.
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rob i

New member
Question for those of you familiar with this little gem. Is it ok to keep mag loaded for extended periods? No round in the chamber, but a full mag in the well. I plan on carrying it as a back up to my lcp once in a while.


rob i

New member
Thank you both for the replies. Much appreciated! I really love this little gun!

I know it's not a bear stopper, but I think the crappily made American 25's with oversized bores that allow the bullets to come tumbling out have really given this caliber a bad rep. Just my opinion.



I have read the many warnings about carrying this with a round in the chamber. I will heed this advice.

I have a 1908 Colt Vest Pocket, which is very similar.
Can you tell me what issues there are in carrying a round in the chamber?

Would the Vest Pocket be safer due to the grip safety, I wonder?

rob i

New member
I bought mine at a gun show. Seller had it marked at $495. A quick check on gunbroker showed that price to be fair but on the high side. I offered him $425 and we settled at $450. Not a screaming deal, but fair for the condition.


New member
Can you tell me what issues there are in carrying a round in the chamber?
My buddy had his in his back pocket, loaded, safety on, in a folded hanky. At some point, the safety must have got knocked of, and he assumed the trigger got pulled, but he doesnt know that for sure. Not sure what else it could be though. He simply bent over while working in the garden when it went off. The gun was still in the fold of the hanky when he took it out. The hanky was still folded and not bunched up or out of kilter. The slide did not cycle either. Blew a hole in his jeans pocket. No "meat" was involved. :)


New member
A nice looking baby! I bought one in unfired appearing condition with box and manual, sold in 1970 or close to it. I paid a premium, $500, but it was so purdy! So far I have that and two PSP's, one SS and one blue, and a Bauer.
I'm probably not the average gun buyer, a gun's suitability for self defense isn't even on my list of wants. I like the little mouse guns for what they were, and are. They are historical treasures.
I was watching some stupid H2 show the other night, some so called expert talking about "Saturday night specials" and brought up the Astra Cub as an example. The show spoke reverentially of GCA 68, saved a lot of lives! :rolleyes:

My little collection has 15 or 20 .25 ACP guns, I don't own any "Saturday Night Specials", the closest thing I own to that is my Kel-Tec, since one of the determining features was always considered to be the presence of low temperature alloys and the Kel-Tec has an aluminum frame. It's the only gun I own with any aluminum in it, and I don't care because it's my throw away carry gun.
The Astra Cub is the most accurate .25 gun I own, with the best sights, extremely well made. Where do they find their "experts"?

The FN Baby is a notch better quality, probably one of the finest fit/finish production handguns ever made.

rob i

New member
Thanks all!

HisSoldier- I'm right there with you. I love the small mouse guns. Had a Seecamp that I sadly sold, and love my lcp. This browning, I'm absolutely in love with. I may still try and pick up a PSA 25 as well.

Bill- I hold your opinions in high regard. I have one of your gorgeous stilettos and have read many of your posts both here and on the blade forums. I still am a bit weary to carry this one with a round in the chamber, but I appreciate your feedback. I actually sold a dalton Stc at the show to fund the baby browning purchase.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Thanks, Rob!

Your mom's gun is actually the lightweight model. The frame is aluminum and the slide is chrome plated, not nickel. These are rare and desireable guns.