Baby Browning clone question


New member
Libia 25acp vest pocket clone question

I saw a baby Browning clone the other day and I am trying to find out more on it. The problem is it looks like I can't remember the name correctly. I thought it was a Livita or luvita or maybe luvia but google doesn't come up with anything.

Does that name ring a bell with anyone?
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Bill DeShivs

New member
The Baby Browning clones are: Bauer, Frasier, PSP, and PSA.
Similar guns are Bernardelli, Walther model 9.
There are many copies of the early Browning .25 with the grip safety, mostly Spanish.


New member
Keep in mind that the model Bill mentions, a FN 1905/1906 (Colt 1908) is NOT a baby browning. It was designed by Browning, but the "baby" is different. It came out later, was much smaller, and a better design IMO although the FN 1905 is a great gun itself. The Colt 1908 is a copy of that. The design was one of the best selling pocket autos of all time if you add together the FN and Colt productions of the same model.

Bauer 25 autos are affordable and well made. They are a SS copy of the baby Browning. IIRC the company was sued for a patent issue with the design and so they are no longer made. Check gunbroker to see what they are going for, usually well under $300 even in the box. These guns are not a cheap saturday night special either, they are nice little guns. I would stay away from a spanish copy of any gun.


New member
Ok went into the shop and it is a Libia 25acp for $89.00.

I know nothing about these guns but I have a thing for tiny guns. Is this a better quality pistol than the ones like Lorcin

It looks to be more of a Colt Vest pocket clone than a Baby Browning
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Bill DeShivs

New member
The Libia is a Spanish copy of the older Browning .25. They are made of steel, but are fairly crude little guns. Parts are hard to find.


New member
As already noted it is a Spanish Eibar copy of the FN pistol, note it is a copy , not a clone. There are no original parts available and no guarantee that any other parts will fit without fitting and filing. Made before 1936. There is a reason it is priced so low.


New member
Well I decided for $75 what could it hurt. I got it and brought it home last night and cleaned it up some. I already had a bottle of Kleen-Bore Black Magic cold blue so I did a home reblue job on it. Here are the before and after pics. It is not as pretty as a Colt Royal Blue but I think it came out nice. I reload everything I shoot (except .22lr of course) so I stopped by today and picked up a box of Blazer 25 ammo. I was considering reloading for this also (maybe pick up another cheap 25 gun to justify reloading it) but my goodness is this a small bullet. I am not sure I will reload for it. If anyone does give me the rundown on it. Either way it should be fun to shoot this one and see how it works






New member
Thanks Bill

To get an idea how small this guns is I took some pics of it with my Taurus TCP 738 and Beretta Bobcat.


