

New member
I swear, whoever it was that came up with the "don't be a Sheeple" bumpersticker was a marketing genius. Because, you see... people of every political stripe are gonna buy the thing.. all convinced it applies to somebody else.

Once, several months ago, I was talking with an old ex-hippie friend of mine.. she was a heavy protester of the VietNam war, and you know how she referred to the ROTC folks who actually had the gumption to put their lives on the line in the military....

"They were hollowly mouthing what they were told.. they were programmed."

She couldn't believe that THEY believed, heart and soul, after due soul-searching and self examination, the principles they were willing to risk their lives for. She couldn't understand their beliefs, and so she was convinced that they were brainwashed.

In other words.. that they were "sheeple."

Never studied international economics and the vagaries of The Evil Coporation?
You're somebody else's Sheeple. (Sing it, WyldOne ;) )

Belong to an organized faith, particularly a conservative Judeo-Christian church?
You're somebody else's Sheeple.
God forbid you're also a vet.. double "Sheeple" points to the other side).

And of course, where this becomes relevent to our discussion... think a gun will keep you safe, when odds are virtually every TFLer will die from more far mundane causes than "SHTF" battles in the streets?
Why, then you're DEFINATELY a Sheeple, just working your life away to line the pockets of the evil Gaston, and his cronies Smith and Wesson. :rolleyes:

I suppose what it all comes down to is.. what makes a "Sheeple?"

Is it a matter of not studying the full implications of an issue, as the "undecideds" on the gun issue are? If so... we're certainly all someone's Sheeple, 'cause there's simply too many issues in the world to be totally conversant on, and still work for a living.

Is it a matter of disagreeing with a particular philosophy? In which case, are we less Sheep for rabidly clinging to a dogma.. ANY dogma, than another is for rejecting it?

Or is it simply that our philosophies -- of liberty-minded individualism, and "socially conscious" collectivism -- are so radically different, so totally incompatible in basic assumptions of human nature, natural law, and ethics, that each "house" looks no more than a "brainwashing station for useful idiots" from the outside?



New member
I think there are sheeple in every camp.

Certainly there are Antis who do not qualify as sheeple. There are plenty of pro-gun types that qualify as sheeple.

Interesting that the bible so often refers to people as sheep. People generally seek leadership and safety in numbers. Even kids who want to be "non-conformists" usually do so in groups.

That said, I think that one trait of being a sheeple is a tendency to try to always see your "opposition" in black and white terms and them as always "bad" and your self as always "good".

One thing to keep in mind - you could get pretty much everyone to come out "for good things" and "against bad things". All of our differences are in how we define "good" and "bad".


An inability to acknowledge or see the warts on your own kind.

The inability to understand that other people have different world views and value systems. If you presume that everyone sees the world as you do, it is easier to call those you disagree with "evil" rather than "misinformed" or "misguided".

I honestly think that a lot of anti-gun people are good, decent people who want only the best for their children and their communities. I want the same thing, we just define it very differently.

There are plenty of Sheeple even on TFL. A statement like the one above is often enough to elict comments of "thanks for letting us know you are an Anti! I knew along you were a commie!"

This kind of reaction is typical anytime you deviate from "The Litany".

Every group has their own litany. It is the list of unstated and unchallenged assumptions which act as the starting place from which all conclusions and positions originate. If you cannot identify the litany of your group, there is a good chance you are a sheeple.

Sheeple are very uncomfortable with self analysis and they will do anything to keep from having to confront their own opinions and positions with reason. Their opinions and positions are based primarily on emotion and facts are just a damn imposition.

Just as there are plenty of pro-gun people who are reasoned, logical and thoughtful, there are plenty who are emotional, reactionary and unthinking. They are pro-gun for a variety of reasons that are not worth going into in this venue.

Ultimately, I would say that the sheeple is defined by his unwillingness to put the truth first. If you aproach life with the idea that the truth is more important than any other cause or agenda, you will be in good shape.

Sheeple status is voluntary. You can revoke your status by self educating and being willing to deal with ambiguity and truth - even - especially - when it is unpleasant.


New member
Sheeple have self-esteem.

People have self-respect.

Sheeple need issues to follow.

People make issues.

Jeeze, Kaylee, you been hanging around with college freshmen?
Take a's summertime!

Joe Demko

New member
Amen, Kaylee. Testify, Pendragon, testify.
As I mentioned in another thread yesterday, I am heartily sick of that expression.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
The way to identify a sheeple is to change the angle of the conversation radically. If he thinks for a moment and then comes up with a response that fits the new angle, even if you don't agree with it, you're dealing with a thinker who knows something of his subject.

If you can smell the clutch burning for a moment and then he pops off another bumper-sticker slogan, you've got a sheeple. Double points if it has absolutely nothing to do with what you've just said. As someone pointed out, there are sheeple and thinkers in every movement. Lenin wasn't talking about Communism in particular when he mentioned "useful idiots." Be gentle with pro-bun sheeple, but try to force them to think. If you don't, they'll just have an anti-gun epiphany when they meet a smart anti who shows them the error of their robotic ways.


New member
You're at most risk of being a "sheeple" when you start getting too self-satisfied about not being one ... when you look back on your critical thinking from days gone by and believe that makes you a critical thinker now.

As well, putting down the intellegence of your opponents only serves to weaken you -- it becomes too easy to dismiss what they are saying as "sheeple"-think, and then you stop really thinking The problem is the focus on the character of the opponent rather than the ideas -- it's an ad hominem attack.

I can be as bad about this as anyone else.


New member
Gaston is the Anti-Colt!

His coming was fortold by the prophet John Moses Browning!

Save your self and buy a 1911 while you still can!

Don't give in to the power of the dark plastic slide!


New member
Gaston is the Anti-Colt!
Hmmm.... That may explain why the mysterious Glock KBs only seem to happen when the devout Colt 1911 faithful are involved.

They inwardly resent the Gaston influence, and abhor themselves for yielding to the allure of Glocks. Finally, when their Colt faith strengthens anew, the Gaston evil cannot resist so it disintegrates in a mysterious explosion leaving all the witnesses and interested parties with nothing to do but gawk, take pictures, and tell tales about what they saw.

That must be it, because nothing else satisfactorily explains the famous but elusive Glock KB! :rolleyes:


New member
A guy ganked a Gaston gat, gleaked and got going, without guile, he garnered the guise of a gallant guerilla. Gentle Gavin gifted Glock gunfire to gentleman getting gored by goblins. Good garcon gained gold and gilding for getting good guy out of gaffe. Guy Gavin gave girls great gusto and gained garish garments. Good living gifted Gavin with gall. Got going to Gunsite guild to gain gun goodness.


New member
All that, and nobody got gelded?

Maybe you haven't heard? Avoid alliterations always, but some refuse to comply and insist that it should be "always avoid alliterations." :D


New member
What else do you think is still in there...?

Less is in here than was put in, that is for sure.

I can still remember how to assemble a space ship out of Legos, how to change the screen colors on a Commodore 64 using the "Poke" command. I know all the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody, but not because of Waynes World. I can drop the transaxle on a Fiat X1\9 in less than 15 minutes (and mid engine cars is tricky!). I can still remember my way around Lake Wasilla and Lake Lucille even though I have not seen them in half my life.

Weird what you can remember from a decade or two ago with just stream of conciousness writing.

Creative writing is fun, but the I have to be in just the right mood. When you are really in the zone, it just flows to the paper (er, screen) and you never really know where it is going until its done.


New member
Creative writing is fun, but the I have to be in just the right mood. When you are really in the zone, it just flows to the paper (er, screen) and you never really know where it is going until its done.
Keep it up! We're all having fun! :D

Well, maybe not Kaylee. Her thread's been hijacked with all of our foolishness. :(


New member
Well, maybe not Kaylee. Her thread's been hijacked with all of our foolishness.

I get it now! This is all just part of VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY to CRUSH voices of dissent like little noble ol' me, speaking up with the voice of doubt, the voice of reason, the voice...


Good Going Gang!
(I am impressed Pendragon!)

All that said.. I guess it comes down to..
"if you can honestly sit down and evaluate yourself, and ask if you might "be a Sheeple".... you prolly aren't. If ya instead strike back with an angry "no, THEY are!!".... ya just might be..

my take on it, anyhow.