B.U.G. under $200?


New member
Is there a decent BUG out there for under $200? I'm not concerned with caliber or capacity but would like to find something reliable. Something I could easily conceal in a pocket or ankle holster would be ideal. Any thoughts or suggestions?


New member
I have an older Charter Arms Detective special which was $150, I have seen several near $200 38 5 shot revolvers and a few AMT backup semis in that range.

The older charter arms were inexpensive quality guns.

David the Gnome

New member
I bought my Bersa Thunder 380 for $199 but that was over a year ago, the price seems to have gone up since then. For that price range you're going to be looking at used guns. Add in that you want something small enough to be considered a backup gun and that makes things quite a bit more difficult. My most humble of opinions is that your $200 would be better spent on a higher quality primary carry gun than spending it on a less than stellar backup gun.


New member
The P64 may be what your looking for. Caliber is 9x18 mak. Hornady makes some nice S/D loads. Its the size of Walther PPK, very reliable and priced right. Goodluck!


New member
You can still find Bersa Thunder .380's for under $200. It's really hard, I happened to luck into mine for $180.00. Besides that you're either looking at used guns or NIB compact Hi-Points, which most people on here seem to have good results from.


New member
Another vote for NAA mini, mine never leaves the house without me! I have a Kel-tec P-11 which has become my Bug, the NAA puts out more noise fire flame and is quite accurate out to 10 yds.8" groups...


New member
Bersas may be your best bet. I bought one -- a duo-tone .380 Thunder -- last month for $199 at a pawn shop. Good gun, shoots reliably, like most Bersas. Ammos a bit pricey, but so are a lot of other (not necessarily better) guns.


New member
If you go the Bersa Thunder way, make sure to field strip and then reassemble it before buying. I'm probably older than you, and had difficulty pulling the slide all the way back in order to slip it on to the frame from behind. It is a simple operation, but it requires more hand strength than I felt I could deliver every time. I exchanged mine for an S&W snubby, and never looked back. $200, $400, it's only money. What are YOU worth?

Cordially, Jack


New member
Sixer, you and me will be hitting the range very soon. I will bring an NAA mini, Keltec P32, and a Bersaa(Firestorm .380) Also have a EXCAM GT27 .25acp. This will at least give ya a random sampling of whats available.

Without begging a flame war I recommend the P32, you can usually get them from Black Oak firearms in Dearborn for a VERY reasonable price.


New member
The P32 would have the possibility of rimlock
They offer upgrades to prevent that.

I have close to 500 rounds thru mine without fail, not to say that it can't occur, just that it hasn't happened to me yet.


New member
Thanks for the recommendation guys. I know I shouldn't be looking for a "cheap" or POS back up, but as always, the budget is tight. I have full confidence in my primary CCW's (Sig 239, HK P7, G23) so my BUG would be a last resort. If it fails on me then I'll probably resort to just throwing the damn thing at the BG.

On second thought however, it wouldn't hurt to have a BUG that could be used as a primary CCW if necessary. The P32, NAA mini, Bersa are all good options. I also really like the idea of a P64. It will likely be a few months before I get one, but its never to early too start looking!

Oh and Kris, you keep telling me your gonna get down here. Quit F'n around and lets go shoot some stuff! LOL, just kiddin :)

Bill DeShivs

New member
Over 40 years with firearms and scores of .25, .32, and .38 Super ACPs (all semi-rimmed) and I have never encountered an example of "rimlock."
You simply have to know how to load a gun to avoid it! I carry a Keltec P 32.


New member
Oh and Kris, you keep telling me your gonna get down here. Quit F'n around and lets go shoot some stuff! LOL, just kiddin

I know. I 'm starting to sound like a bad record...I may just have to take a day off on a Friday or something. If I could get the wife and kids to her moms Saturday I could run up then as well.


New member
Save a little more and get a Kel-tec P3AT. Small, light, reliable, all the things a BUG should be. I've carried mine for several years now with no trouble or complaints. It has also doubled as my primary when clothing and venue didn't allow for anything larger.

Geoff Timm

New member
From CDNN 1-800-588-9500


Price around $150 plus delivery through your FFL, many of which have a relationship with CDNN and other sources. This is a small surplus pistol previously used by an East Block country as a duty weapon.


Who notes spring kits are available and recommended.