AWB causes some to cry!


New member
Look over at and and you will see some folks who will be crying soon. The days of monstrously high prices for hi-caps is coming to an abrupt end. How many of you are going to spend 60 bucks or more for a Ramline or Butler Creek 30 rd. 10/22 Mag.? :D

Their misfortune is your good fortune. Have fun folks. I watch with envy from a blue state in occupied America! :(


New member
Just wait and see what happens when Feinstein (or any liberal) gets a look at Kaylee's new T-shirt.. :D



New member
Makes you want to buy the current issue of The Shotgun News for a keepsake, eh?

Hopefully, I can use such a thing to show my grandkids the silliness of it all, kinda like Prohibition.

"The streets will flow with the blood of the unbelievers!" sounds less like Beavis and more like Feinstein, Schumer, et al recently.


New member
I didn't know people actually used the 30 rounders in their 10/22s.? They make as much sense as the 15 rounders for a 1911. Nothing but junk and possible headaches. :barf: