Availability of Colt 1911s


New member
I am just curious for those of you that work in the business or just frequent gun shops what is your experience with the availability of new Colt 1911 handguns. Specifically I am looking at the 1991 or XSE series. I have visited several LGSs and no one has anything and they act like it is next to impossible to get them.


New member
There are a few around ...but not many / at least at this point. I suspect Colt is trying to gear up and increase production ...but I don't know for sure.


New member
Depends which gun stores you go to and what's around you. I happen to live near a rather large gun store and they have at least 5 different colt 1911's in stock all the time.
BarryLee said:
I am just curious for those of you that work in the business or just frequent gun shops what is your experience with the availability of new Colt 1911 handguns. Specifically I am looking at the 1991 or XSE series. I have visited several LGSs and no one has anything and they act like it is next to impossible to get them.
A lot of shops won't stock Colts because Colt sells only through the major distributors, so the shops can't cut volume deals. Companies like Kimber, on the other hand, will sell directly to a shop and give a bigger discount if they'll take a minimum number of guns. Consequently, the shops prefer to push what they have in stock by telling you they "can't get" Colts.

The distributors are getting Colts. Colt is now using CNC machining centers and they are producing 1911s faster than they ever have ... and people are buying them as fast as Colt can make them. Just tell your dealer to order one for you, and tell him to tell the distributor that if they don't have it -- you'll wait for it.


New member
It always seemed to me that the attitude of the clerk made a difference. That and how busy they are when you show up. The place where I've bought more guns than anywhere else is exceptionally busy on weekends but if I go by around 5:30 on a weekday, they have time to humor me. It helps if you actually buy something from them now and then.

The difference is if you want something they don't have, they'll see if they can get it. The former owner would even order for me without a deposit. It is a pity but new Colts are out of my price range and pretty much always have been. I've never owned a new one.