Auto caster


New member
After a number of years making rust, I ran the auto caster again today.

You have to click the photo to play the video.


Paul B.

New member
Clever gadget but I have to ask, what keeps the mold from getting too hot and if it does get too hot, how soft will the bullets be that drop into the hopper? That could bugger up noses, driving bands and especially the bases which would really be bad news. I'd have to see that thing up close and personal and inspect the finished product.I've been casting bullets for many years and am very fussy about bullet quality.
Paul B.


New member
There are two timers. One is for pour time and the other is for a cool down cycle that stops the mold after it drops the bullets for the amount of time you set with the dial.

If you don't want to stop to cool, you can just put a small blower in front to cool the mold, just like the pro machines.
