Auto-5 Questions


New member
I'm doing some work on a 12guage 2 3/4 Auto-5 for a friend, and have a few questions. it was made in the US by Remington between 1940-46 according to Browning's site. the shotgun needs a new stock, and i was wondering if any changes were made over the years that made different ones incompatible (other than the different calibers/magnum versions). i also see "requires a gunsmith to fit" or something to that effect one some sites selling them, and was wondering if replacing a stock was that much trouble. taking it on and off when i was cleaning it seemed simple enough. also, any recoil spring for a standard 12 gauge should work right?

Jeff Mulliken

New member
First, this gun is not an Auto-5. The Auto-5 was made by Fabrique Nationale in Belgium. This gun is what is known as an American Browning, made by
Remington for Browning while Belgium was oppcupied by the Nazis.

Mechanically it is a Remington Model 11 with the Browning name stamped on it and a couple of subtle changes like the addition of the magazine lock out.

Auto-5 parts will not fit with a couple of exceptions like the recoil spring and friction rings.

The good news is that Remington Model 11 parts will fit and lots of used M11 parts are sold on the internet auction sites.



New member
that makes sense. i noticed some differences when disassembling it and just assumed that they changed some of the design over the years. so this takes Model 11 stocks, and A5 stocks will absolutely not fit? thanks for the info.

Jeff Mulliken

New member
If your good and lucky you might get an auto-5 stock to fit but if your really that good you can start with a 2"x4" and make that fit too.

Get a M11 stock, the only issue to be careful about is the length of the tangs, I believe there were 3 different lengths used between 1905 and 1945.
But that is a really easy dimension to confirm if your talking to a seller.
