Australia: Robbers killed, bystanders hit in shooting


New member

Robbers killed, bystanders hit in shooting

November 29 2002

Three suspected bank robbers were killed and four bystanders wounded during a police shoot-out in Port Moresby yesterday.

Provincial police commander Alan Kundi said at least five men armed with military rifles stormed Bank South Pacific's branch in Mount Hagen in PNG's Western Highlands at lunchtime.

The bandits emerged from the bank with two bags of money and opened fire, just as police arrived. Police, who had been tipped off, shot two of the bandits dead. One of the dead men was understood to be wanted for the shooting of a police officer.

Outside the bank, several of the panicked robbers hijacked a passing truck at gunpoint. Police gave chase, the truck crashed and the police wounded one of the men.

A third man was shot dead as he tried to escape in a stolen car. Two men got away.

Four bystanders were reported injured, one critically, during the shooting.


military rifles? They had automatic/select-fire weapons?

Every time I watch Heat I get annoyed that Pacino and other detectives are shooting toward the wrecked car, which also happens to be toward the roadblock and other police officers. Not to mention the roadblock cops are shooting back toward police and toward the square where there were about 100 people prior to the shooting. And near the beginning, Pacino shoots straight down a sidewalk. Near the end, he shoots into the corner of a Ford Taurus, but if he'd missed by a few inches, the bullets would have gone right through a busy street.

From the article, I gather AU police engage in such situations. Do most police departments in the U.S. do so as well? Any ccw holder with a clean record could be crucified in court for doing the same thing.


Unless the media is protecting them,

I rarely hear about police shootouts resulting in bystanders or even other Officers being hit by friendly fire. I think the police in the U.S. do a fine job of not blasting away with innocents in the if we could just get the High-speed chase policies changed....:p
And i agree, any CCW holder who just blasts away without regard for innocents in the line of fire would probably be criminially and civiliy charged.


New member
This did not happen in Australia but in Papua New Guinea (PNG), the island north of Australia. The Aussies once ran PNG as a United Nations Trust Territory, but it has been self-governing for quite a while.

Additionally the writer has no conception of PNG's geography. Port Moresby, the first town referenced, is on the north coast of PNG. Mt. Hagen, where the robbery occured is a looong way off through the mountains. I was in both towns years ago and I had to fly to the highlands as the road between the coast and the highlands, was blocked periodically by landslides and was a lousy road at the best of times.

PNG is home to quite a bit of crime, and a simmering insurrection. Bank robbers with military weapons could be allied with the guerillas, or freelancers.

I think I saw a story recently that about 500 weapons had been pinched from the PNG cops and only about 50 had been recovered.
Some blokes should consult a map before writing, eh?