Australia: Gun crime - it's in the hand of the beholder


New member
I don't think this has already been posted....

Gun crime - it's in the hand of the beholder

By Brigid Delaney and Cynthia Banham
November 7 2002

"It's not a penile extension, like some detractors make it out to be," said Colin Moore,

pointing to his handgun.

Instead he likens his gun to sporting equipment, as necessary to his hobby of shooting as a club is to a golfer.

However, yesterday the Prime Minister, John Howard, expressed concern about "fringe elements" around shooting clubs, while his deputy, John Anderson, said gun-using Australians, including sports shooters, "are not the Australians we are after".

But Dr Moore argued that just as a gun in the wrong hands can be dangerous, a golf club in the hands of a maniac can be used to bludgeon someone to death.

The Sydney cosmetic surgeon and immediate past president of the Australasian College of Plastic Surgeons owns 70 guns, but said he was not one of "those maniacs".

He is a member of a sporting shooters club and practises target shooting. Twenty of
his guns are for use, and 50 are antiques and collector's items.

His guns are kept downstairs from his apartment in a safe, inside a locked garage. At weekends, when he goes to target practice, the guns are clipped with a safety device, put in a case and travel in the car boot.

Dr Moore, 63, is attracted to the skill and precision required for shooting, as well as the quirks of different guns, he said.

Maybe psychological testing is the solution to keeping guns out of the hands of "maniacs", he said. But he wondered if it would stop gun-related crimes when illegal handguns were readily available at "pubs for as little as $20".

Like Dr Moore, Peter Whelan is interested in the technical side of guns. "As an engineer I'm interested in the bullet's trajectory, the effect of wind and velocity," said Mr Whelan, 58. "It's a very sophisticated and complex sport."

He takes his 21-year-old son to a shooting range. It allowed fathers and sons to compete on a level playing field, he said. "It's a good opportunity for us to spend time together," he said.

However, Mr Howard said too many handguns were owned by criminals. Handguns should be restricted to police, the security industry, and sporting shooters "to be defined under certain conditions", he said.

"And other than that you don't need a handgun." Shooting clubs needed to better scrutinised, he said. He was conscious of "some fringe elements" around such organisations.

But Mr Anderson said: "It's my intent that decent ... gun-using Australians should not be made to feel like criminals.

"They must be fully consulted and be fully respected as people who have genuine reasons for handling and using firearms. They are not the Australians we are after."

Mr Howard said he wants to be satisfied about people who claim to be sporting club members, "that it is legitimate and not just a cover, and we've got to ... perhaps run a bit of a look-see at some of those shooting clubs to see that they're not covers for something else."


New member
John Howard is a poster-boy for Hoplophobia!

The P.M. has stated on several occasions that he "HATES" guns:rolleyes:

Not those who misuse them:(

He hates the guns:eek:

For what it's worth, the Australian Attorney-General, Darrly Williams, with his desire to speak more precisely, says:"I loathe guns":barf:

The Australian public is kept in the dark by the media and fed statements like these on a regular basis...I'm pleased the above article was even printed!