Aussie Steve Irwin & guns


New member
Watching Steve Irwin's "Ghosts of War" program on the Discovery channel tonight. For those who don't know, he's an Australian zoo guy who hosts a regular program in which he wanders around in the jungle looking for various (usually dangerous) animal species.

Anyway, in the program tonight, he's visiting several WW II battle sites in the Pacific, and as part of this he's highlighting the remnants of various weapons. In one scene, he scuba dives on an old Japanese merchant ship and points out the rusting remains of one of the smaller machine guns on the hulk. In his voiceover narration, he said words I thought I'd never hear an Aussie use in describing a gun: "Beautiful chunk o' machine." The way he's gone about describing several different weapons (including a howitzer), it seems that he's not particularly afraid of them. (Then again, this guy will pick up a live scorpion. :eek: )

This made me wonder what his personal view of guns is. Considering that he probably spends some time in the outback and has probably been in danger from some animal or another, and might very well have actually used a gun to protect himself, I would think that he probably isn't against them. But, does anyone actually know? (Any Australians want to comment?)

Dave P

New member
I have noticed in some old videos he carried a large sheath knife. He never does that now - pressure from the studios, etc?


New member
Dave P: Maybe he doesnt need it anymore? I bet there's a guy standing next to the camera man with a scatter gun whenever they are filming anything deadly.

"...he said words I thought I'd never hear an Aussie use in describing a gun...":rolleyes:

Australians aren't all anti-gun mate: something like 20 - 25% of the population own firearms, despite the foolish actions of an anti-gun Prime Minister. As for Steve Irwin, he's widely regarded as a bit of an idiot here, or at least a self-parody tailored for the US market (a bit like "Crocodile Dundee"). Good on him for appreciating the hardware, but he is virulently anti-hunting so overall can get stuffed.

A far more respected nature documentary figure here would be Les Hiddens, the Bush Tucker Man, who gets around croc country with a S&W Model 29 on his hip, or Malcolm Douglas, who has shown such things as how to make fishing lures from spent .303 cases - on the basis that they're something you're likely to have kicking around the camp;)


New member
He also did a few shows from a couple of air bases in the US ... he was obviously impressed by the military equipment (and they even took him up in an F16).

Hell I've watched his show enough to realise he's just a big kid :)


New member
I saw part of that show.

As he was going into the 1000 man cave - where 1000 Japs were killed - he picked up a rusty old shell and said "Look - a Japanese Mortar!"

Even when it's over 50 years old, I am NOT going to start messing around with old ordnance or unexploded shells!


New member
daniel,I remeber a few years ago here in the states on cable there was a guy down ther that used to walk around the bush carrying a double bbl shot gun,he was a tall fellow and had a bushy beard said the shotgun came in handy for every thing from the wild cats up to your wild boar with slugs,He used to show all your wonderfull wildlife,but wasn't a fool doing it.


New member
Woo hoo for him if he is anti-hunting. Pro-gun doesn't necessarily mean pro-hunting.

I saw the bit with him messing around with the shell, but I'd guess that they checked it before they rolled film. There was another part where he didn't touch a shell, saying that it was still live and he didn't want to mess with it.

He is just a bit eccentric, but he seems like a genuinely good guy. I think Zundfolge is right - a big kid, doing what he loves to do. We should be as lucky :)


New member
Now his wife! She's the trouble.

Full blown Gaia worshiper (or a "Druid" as Iosef Andreyevich Popov called them in Rainbow Six).

"Woo hoo for him if he is anti-hunting. Pro-gun doesn't necessarily mean pro-hunting"

That may be, but a man who talks about "Wildlife Hitlers", and is all for banning any sustainable use of wildlife is hardly a friend of liberty either:barf:

Anyway, the man's a goose, and a lot of what he goes on with is downright laughable to those of us in the land of Oz:p


New member
Taken from his website

Found inSteve's say


A New Age for the Apex Predator
By Steve Irwin

1 January 2000

Gidday, I'm Steve Irwin and today is the first day of the new millennium. It is my aim to start this brand new century with the greatest conservation effort of my life. Apex predators are right at the top of the food chain – animals like sharks, big cats, bears, snakes and crocodiles. My aim is to promote the conservation of these magnificent animals from now until the day I die. If I can help the world protect predator populations then all of the species in the food chain and their immediate environments will benefit and flourish. By conserving apex predators and their wilderness areas, our planet earth will have less polluted water, less ozone depletion, less habitat destruction and more trees. In essence by securing these goals, we the human race will have oxygen to breathe, water to drink and a greater healthier longevity. I'm starting with the species I love and know the most – crocodiles. Crocodiles will be and always have been the love of my life. Considering 17 of the 22 species in our world are endangered, I believe my backyard (Northern Australia) is the best place to start.

The Australian saltwater crocodile was on the verge of extinction in the 1960’s. By 1970, they were critically endangered and would have been tilted over the point of no return if drastic measures weren't taken. Finally in the 1970’s, the Australian saltwater crocodile was officially protected. The Australian government activated legislation which fully protected crocodiles. Thank God they did. Crocodile populations, although hanging by a thread, showed signs of recovery.

The Australian saltwater crocodile has an incredibly complex social structure. They are impossible to study in the wild under the deep dirty water and at night. Today is the very first day of the year 2000 and I believe that over the next 1000 years, we will still not completely understand the intricacies of their behaviour in the Australian wilderness. However one trait is blatantly obvious, very easily studied, well documented and I see it every time I enter the wild crocodile habitat. The Australian saltwater crocodile (Aussie nickname “Salty”) are highly territorial. The biggest, oldest, wisest dominant male salty, which until recently had the capacity to exceed 20 feet in length, ruled. These massive old male crocs were the supreme rulers, the kings of their domain. They are the largest reptiles left on our earth, modern day dinosaurs, the most powerful and awesome animal in the world. Archosaurs dating back over 100 million years – truly the ruling reptiles. Imagine the tenacity, the instincts, the sheer pinnacle of evolution that crocodilians possess to see them surviving the extinction of the dinosaurs and still here in our natural world in the year 2000. They are still here for one and only one reason; they are territorial and the biggest dominant male is the king – he rules!!! While the Australian wilderness areas contained these huge reptiles, the ecosystems were pristine and balanced. There was a harmony and tranquillity. Every single species from the apex predators all the way down to the zooplankton were healthy and flourished.

At the end of World War II, crocodiles were slaughtered on sight. It's human nature that the biggest is the greatest “trophy” and that disgusting human trait still exists. By 1970, “king salties”, those in excess of 18 feet, were decimated. In fact the next dominant crocs the “princes”, those over 16 feet, were rare and so scared for their lives they disappeared. They saw their grandfathers and fathers shot, snared, decapitated and ruthlessly slaughtered. They witnessed their grandmothers, mothers and sisters wounded, maimed and murdered by men with bright lights, high-powered rifles, boats and snares that cut their heads off. The natural balance of the Australian wilderness was destroyed. The kings were dead and what few princes were left fled for their lives. A genocide had taken place.

Right now, on this first day of the year 2000 here in my backyard in the State of Queensland, the Australian saltwater crocodile is classified as “vulnerable”. They are one step away from endangered, two steps away from extinction. In nearly 30 years of protection, Queensland’s salties are still in dire straits. I travel to the absolute remotest wilderness areas of this state and can count the number of 16 feet plus crocodiles on the entire east coast of Australia on one hand.

The atrocious propaganda established about crocodilians I will now expose. The PROPAGANDA - here comes the hideous propaganda. I know this is about to upset a lot of powerful, influential people. It’s a given that I am about to receive a full tilt attack on every single facet of my life. From this day on, I will be knifed in the back at every level. But I’m not scared. The time has come for me to expose the current “Hitlers of Wildlife”. My dad and God have prepared me for the immense personal attacks I am about to receive. “Bring it on wildlife perpetrators” you are about to be exposed. Historically, it has been easy to see wildlife perpetrators as civilized people who view native animals as nothing but vermin or a means of making money. They were obvious and perhaps 30 years ago, we the human race didn’t understand the disastrous impact we were having on our only earth. Now the wildlife perpetrators, the people directly responsible for wildlife genocide and mass endangerment globally, have an incredibly cryptic camouflage. They are really, really hard to see. But I see you. Yes! I see you and every single day more and more people can see you. Pretty soon hundreds of millions of people will see you. Your camouflage, your propaganda, will only last a little longer. We’re on to you and we’re coming for you. Together we are strong. “Sustainable Use” of native wildlife is your camouflage, your disguise and your propaganda. Since when has the slaughter of native animals saved a species? Never has and never will! Your argument that farming apex predators like tigers for their penis, bears for their gall bladders, crocodiles for their skins is protecting and conserving the species is easily the greatest lie of the millennium. Farming apex predators is the most horrendous torture any animal has ever endured. Tigers, bears, crocs, etc. are territorial and cramming them in like battery chickens is so horrendously cruel on the individual’s mentality that their inevitable death is their only relief.

The TRUTH, the plain and simple truth is the fact that while these so called “Sustainable Use” farms continue to supply native wildlife products then the demand will never cease. These farms are fuelling the market. Can you believe these “Wildlife Nazis” want sustainable use of whales? Oh my God, where will it stop? Wildlife has been evolving since the dawn of time and so have wildlife perpetrators. Now, they hide behind the facade called science. Within their wildlife product industry they employ scientists, young academics and graduates who conduct research designed to support their industry. It’s there that their science follows funding. Their science and research doesn’t follow fact nor the obvious. Money and greed is the root of all this evil. Just look at nations who claim that the slaughter of whales is scientific.

Every single person can help Mother Earth in a very powerful, rewarding manner. Never purchase native wildlife products. Always question the legitimacy of slaughtering native wildlife for conservation or science. I understand that the questions will flood in. As delicate, hard-to-answer questions crop up, we will continue to evolve and overcome as we humans have done since we first walked the earth. Questions like: what skins, meat, and animal products should we consume? My answer would be only those species which have been domesticated for centuries (e.g. cows, chickens and sheep). However, there is no excuse for any inhumane cruel or torturous treatment of any animal. Perhaps free-range chickens are a solution worth researching.

We the human race have evolved beyond cannibalism and slavery. I’m confident we will continue to evolve beyond “Sustainable Use” and wildlife abuse. Let’s start this new millennium with foresight and embrace this next 1000 years as our transition. If we consider all our planet’s inhabitants worth saving, ultimately we will save ourselves.

That's one of his more sensible rants.


New member
Even more than is the case for most celebrities, I think this guy is one who we don't necessarilly need to hold to the, ahem, highest mental standards.

He's basically a good-natured, life-loving guy with the IQ of, well, most of the 'guests" on his show. Nothing wrong with that, but expecting him to have sensible political views is like expecting Miss America to have a valid and original plan for third-world debt relief.


New member
but expecting him to have sensible political views is like expecting Miss America to have a valid and original plan for third-world debt relief.

But I though any good Miss America always wants "World Peace."

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I started to suffer through the show last night to get a look at a piece of history.

There was Steve, standing on the deck of a modern nuke carrier, and said something to the effect "and they used carriers just like this one in WWII."

Credibility lost, switched channels.


New member
Although enviromentalism is not really on topic for a gun forum, I would like to say that I don't see anything wrong with that excerpt from his writings.

Frankly, I agree with his 'Wildlife Hitlers' notion. I remember someone posted a thread saying, "The first cougar in 50 years has been spotted in this state!" and every single reply was, "I'd like to shoot it!" Ugh. :barf:

Sorry if I don't fall in lockstep with the hunters on this board.

My guns are for blasting paper, clay pidgeons, soda cans, and, if need be, violent people bent on my destruction.
I am sorry, but the guy is an idiot. He certainly is not a WWII or gun expert. I found the show to be something that might have been interesting for the kids. I thought his overly explicit battlefield reconstructions were somewhat demeanings. For example, he talked about a Sherman tank stuck on the beach at Tarawa, one of only a few that made it to the beach in the first wave. Well, apparently it drove right into a bomb crater and got stuck muzzle down and could only perform machinegun services. While he does not discuss it, apparently, the tank was so stuck in the hole that they just left it there forever. Somehow I don't buy it. When the fighting on the beach calmed down, they would have simply pulled it out with another tank if it were actually stuck. I think he was just making up stories to explain the things he saw.

I wish I would have followed Denny's lead and switched channels.

The guy is really conservation-oriented for wildlife and he makes some good and some valid statements, but at the same time, I have seen him antagonize several different types of animals to show what happens when they get mad. But then he keeps antagonizing them and draws out the explanation. You know, he gets bitten a lot by many of the animals he handles and it is no wonder. Too bad none have been life threatening. Jeff Corwin, on the other hand, is something of a comic ham, but really seems interested in treating the animals as gently as is safe to do given the potential danger risk of the animal. He seems a lot more interested in telling about the animal instead of sensationalizing the fact that he is holding the giant reticulated green mamba of Borneo.

Steve Irwin is a dork, pro gun or not. If he is pro gun, I don't think I would like him being a spokesperson for our cause. I can just imagine his show if he were to talk about fire power and lethality of guns.....
"Right! Just imagine having the barrel of this machine gun pointed at your head like I am doing here. It is no wonder the BAR struck fear in the hearts of those who came against it. Imagine it belching out fire and lead at a rate of several hundred a minute. As my wife will demonstrate, it is easy to use. Once the belt is in place and the safety is off, just one pull of the trig...."

No more Steve.