ATTN. Colorado TRT: The thought police are after you...


New member
Keep giving 'em hell, guys...


Denver Post Capitol Bureau

Monday, May 28, 2001 - The Anti-Defamation League has begun looking into the tactics of a gun-rights group that started in Colorado and has spread to 17 other states.
The ADL, which has exposed hate groups and militias throughout the United States, stopped short of placing the Tyranny Response Team in that category. But one ADL official said the civil-rights group is concerned about the kinds of people who may be drawn to the gun organization.

"That's what it's about: keeping an eye on these groups," said Bobbie Towbin, associate director of the ADL's Denver branch.

The Tyranny Response Team has used controversial tactics to disrupt gun-control marches, including the nationwide Million Mom March movement that presses for tougher gun laws.

Tyranny Response Team founder Bob Glass, who owns a Longmont gun shop, said he believes his organization is being targeted by the ADL because its officials simply don't agree with his views. Indeed, he's gotten into arguments with the Denver branch and has led a protest at the ADL's Denver headquarters.

"When their arguments are philosophically, historically and morally bankrupt, the only card they have to play is character assassination," Glass said.

An ADL researcher was in Denver last week compiling information about Glass' group.

She talked to some members of Denver's gun-control movement who believe that rogue members of the Tyranny Response Team may have been responsible for sending hate mail and death threats last year to Tom Mauser. Mauser, whose son was killed in the Columbine High School massacre, has advocated tighter gun laws. Glass has denied his group had anything to do with those letters.

Glass says he started the organization because the National Rifle Association wasn't doing enough to protect the rights of gun owners.

"We've started something huge here," Glass said. "We've been giving the Million Mom Marches, I like to call them the "Commie Mommies,' heartburn all over the country."

The group's protest tactics are a key reason why the ADL has become interested in the group.

Some examples:

At a Boulder City Council meeting last year in which council members were discussing strengthing gun laws, members of the Tyranny Response Team protested at City Hall wearing black shirts with yellow, six-pointed stars, similar to the kind Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. They also distributed fliers containing photographs of Holocaust victims.

At Million Mom Marches across the United States held in May over the past two years, Tyranny Response Team members disrupted proceedings by outnumbering and outshouting the marching moms. At many of these marches, they shouted down speakers by yelling "Sieg Heil," while raising their arms in a Nazi salute. These tactics have been blamed for the drop in participation in the marches.

The group is able to muster hundreds to gather at protests on very short notice.

Glass defends those tactics, saying they are used as examples of what can happen when a society disarms itself.

Tyranny Response Team members use their controversial methods to "drive that point home, to show them how fascist their agenda is," Glass said. "The real danger people face is state-sponsored genocide, like Stalin, like Hitler, like Pol Pot."

The group has scheduled a July protest in New York to coincide with a United Nations meeting on gun laws.

"We're serious about preventing genocide," he said. About his critics: "They never expected we'd be so "in your face.'"

ADL officials say they will closely watch all of the Tyranny Response Team's activities.

"As far as I'm concerned, I don't think they are white supremacists or have an ideology that we'd be concerned about," Towbin said. "It's the type of people they may attract."


New member
Unfortunately, most of these gun control freaks and the press either don't recognize the parody or choose to ignore it in hopes of twisting it so the average person thinks the TRT really are brownshirts. Also unfortunately, we need the support of the average person to fight off further restrictions. I fear the "seig heil" routine may backfire in many cases.



New member
Response by Bob Glass

As some of you may have read in Monday's Denver Post, the headlines of the Denver and the West section read, "ADL looks into Gun Group's
Tactics." The story written by Trent Seibert describes how Bobbie Towbin of the the ADL is "concerned about the kinds of people who may be
drawn to the gun organization." They are also concerned with our tactics and want to investigate any links between members of the TRT and
death threats made against Tom Mauser.

In essence, the TRT has been successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams, not just in Colorado, but across the nation, where the Commie
Mommie's numbers have dropped faster than the Mir space station. The sniveling cowards that they are, they've repeatedly refused my
offers to debate them, and because they are unwilling to defend their agenda of victim disarmament in public, they have resorted to playing
the only cards that they have left, character assassination and threats.

By simply calling in their hired ADL smear hit men from out of town they hope to tarnish and intimidate us into silence. They are wrong. Boy
are they wrong. If they want to throw a rock into a hornet's nest, let them. We have history, morality, reason, logic, and statistics, the Bill Of
Rights, the Constitution and righteousness on our side. We know that no one from the TRT has ever been arrested at a rally or action, no one
from the TRT has ever broken the law, and most certainly no one from the TRT has threatened Tom Mauser or anyone else.

We've certainly exposed Tom Mauser for the fraud and coward that he is, receiving $72,000.00 per year form SAFE Colorado to cash-in on the
tragic death of his son, Daniel, at Columbine. We don't need to threaten anyone. We've made it clear from the beginning precisely what we
intend to do and that is to implement the full restoration and strict enforcement of the Bill Of Rights. The "kinds" of people who have been
drawn to our ranks, are some of the finest, most decent, honorable patriots that it has been my distinct pleasure to be associated with.

There can be no question that if we weren't effective, they wouldn't be screaming so loud. Rest assured that we will not take this outrageous
attempt to intimidate us, silence us and smear our good name, lying down. We will not allow the veiled threat that the ADL wields so callously,
of casting the ugly and shameful specter of anti-Semitism upon its political foes, to intimidate us.

The ADL will soon realize, as have all of those that are in the business of destroying liberty, that the price of tyranny just got raised.

Jim March

New member
I would strongly recommend a chant of "never again!" over parodying their position with "zieg heil". I'm not saying that as a moral issue, I know full well what the TRTers mean BUT "never again" cannot be misinterpreted.

And trust me, grabbers are so incredibly stupid, you have to be blunt and clear.


Bob Locke

New member
I find it funny that the ADL is worried about "the kind of people who may be attracted to the TRT."

As I said over on FreeRepublic:

I'm an American. I served my country for almost 13 years in the United States Navy. I am the husband of a wonderful woman, and the father of four awesome children. I am the son of a Viet Nam veteran, and the brother of a young man currently on active duty with the USAF. I show up to work everyday and pay my taxes.

In short, I'm your next-door neighbor.

And I'm a member of the TRT.

The ADL (a purported "civil rights organization") would do well to champion the cause of the TRT (an ACTUAL civil rights organization) rather than to berate us.