Attention pistoleers...


New member
I found this on the web and found it helpful in analyzing my own shooting. Print out a copy and keep it in your shooting bag so you can analyze your mistakes or coach another shooter who asks.

It is applicable to shooting an automatic pistol one handed. The comments are for a right hander. If left, you would use a mirror image. For example, if your pistol shoots dead on from a rest but offhand you are getting a group a 3 o'clock you are putting your finger too far thru on the trigger and pulling it (and the pistol) to the right on your trigger squeeze.

Hope this helps.


New member
Is nobody interested in improving their shooting? *carp - bi0tch-moan* Or maybe I'm the only one that needs to improve...

Dave R

New member
Probably goes without saying, but the chart assumes that your sights have been zeroed. Otherwise, the chart could be re-labeled "move rear sight left, move rear sight right, file front sight," etc.

Some newcomers just assume that the bullets will impact right where the sights indicate.


New member
Great post BigG, i have had a copy of that picture on my garage wall for a few years now and it does help (when i look at my targets), heck i have the darn thing memorized...

Rainbow Six

New member
I had seen something similar to this before but couldn't find it recently when I was helping a female friend of mine learn to shoot her new Glock 19. Thanks for posting the link. This file is now saved in my targets folder!! :D



New member
Hey, thanks, that chart tells me what I've suspected for a long time: I have a bit of a problem with anticipation.
Consider it downloaded.