Attention Members from Amarillo...

My mother has just ordered an XD for all around carry and home defense. She had a Taurus Model 82 revolver for a number of years and wanted to make a change. She hasn't shot much at all in the semi-auto department and wanted to find some classes to take that would have her start from scratch. She already knows how to safely handle a gun, but needs instruction on gunhandling and marksmanship in general. I'm not talking about a Gunsite style course. I already told her an NRA safety course is a good start, but would benefit in some additional instruction. I gave her the link to Cornered Cat to give her a jumpstart.

With me being over 1000 miles away and not going to be able to make a visit down there for some time, any of y'all have contact information or where she might look?


First, you have to do some justice and tell your mom to take these weapons back and get herself the original which is the Glock. The Glock is the preferred weapon.

Second, the NRA website has everything you need to know. I cut and pasted that information below.

Amarillo Shooting Complex
16200 Bezner Rd.
Amarillo, TX 79119


Training is focused on both the experienced and beginner. Maximum hands-on classroom and range interaction. Fees are based on the individual ($100), the couple ($90/person), and a group of 4 or more ($85/person).


New member
I don't care a whole lot for their store anymore, but have her give a yell to Panhandle Gunslingers and ask for Charlissa Stokes (co-owner). They have an in-door range and she gives classes specifically targeted towards female shooters. She's patient and seems to like grandkids and dogs (gotta count for something- right?). I would offer, but I feel like I would'nt be able to devote just a whole lot of time due to my schedule over the next couple of months. But still- if she gets into a bind- PM me and we'll swap phone #'s and I'll do what I can. I know who you feel- I'm pretty particular about my Mom too.
First, you have to do some justice and tell your mom to take these weapons back and get herself the original which is the Glock. The Glock is the preferred weapon.

I did do justice. I gave her several models to consider and she made up her own mind on what to purchase. The Glock was at the very, very, very bottom of the list of preferences for her. So, no, it isn't the preferred weapon.

Second, the NRA website has everything you need to know. I cut and pasted that information below.

They don't have squat in regards to which person/organization in the area is really recommended. That's why I wanted those that live or know the area to provide input rather than going by what's merely published.

10-96, that's one of the places I told her to go visit, but told her to wait until I recieve more input. The last time I was there was probably over 6 years ago and didn't know if new stores/instructors have popped up since then. I do remember her and one of her dogs. Very friendly when I last visited. I wasn't implying members in Amarillo to personally instruct her (unless there are those that are more than willing and if that's what she would choose). But I do appreciate your offer and I'll keep it in mind.


New member
I've been gone from Amarillo for almost ten tears now, but I still have good memories about Panhandle Gunslingers, I bought several pieces from them in fact. Are they still on 6th Street?


New member
No, they're on Georgia, closer to 7th and Line Ave.

Tuttle, again- if I can be of any help with my limited schedule- just let me know when and where and I'll be glad to help. If she chooses to pursue a CHL somewhere down the road- tell her she can come by my office and I/we will be more than happy to supply her fingerprint cards and prints for free.

Magnum- I dunno about that info you posted. Where ever area code 919 is... it's a long ways from here.


New member
First, you have to do some justice and tell your mom to take these weapons back and get herself the original which is the Glock. The Glock is the preferred weapon.
I did do justice. I gave her several models to consider and she made up her own mind on what to purchase. The Glock was at the very, very, very bottom of the list of preferences for her. So, no, it isn't the preferred weapon.
Magnum- I dunno about that info you posted. Where ever area code 919 is... it's a long ways from here.
North Carolina.
That is an example of the type of advice you can get from a 31-post member who joined a week ago. :rolleyes:
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New member
Tuttle, as much as I hate to say it Panhandle Gunslingers is the place for her to go. Charlie does have a good class for women and beginners. The number is 806-373-7572.

If she gets on the internet, have her check out our local gun forum: :D

And the number to the Amarillo Shooting Complex is 806-359-2086. I'm not sure about their classes but our company uses their ranges/shoot house for our training and it is a very nice range.
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Hoyt, how did I know that you and 10-96 would pull through?

Thanks, fellas. And I'll let her know your offer, 10-96. She will be pursuing her CHL when she's properly trained and would more than likely be very appreciative to not worry about paying for the fingerprints and such.


New member
The Glock is the preferred weapon.

Preferred for what? I wont go on a rant but I can promise you wont find one in my collection. I know there reliable and so are a lot of other guns and the others come without glockisms.

To each their own.:)
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New member
Hoyt, how did I know that you and 10-96 would pull through?
It's a Texas Panhandle thang... we ain't much to look at- but we do have a nack for wearing white hats, saving the day, and riding off into the... local Walmart parking lots or whatever.:rolleyes:


Law enforcement has their choice between Glock and the Springfield Armory equivalent. I dont see many of the "equivalents" in anyone's holster. I just see the Glock as the original where as others are just copies of the real mccoy. Why by an imitation when you can get the real thing?


New member
10-96, it's been too long, I was remembering the location wrong. I miss the old town, glad to see Panhandle Gunslinger's is still in business.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Law enforcement has their choice between Glock and the Springfield Armory equivalent. I dont see many of the "equivalents" in anyone's holster. I just see the Glock as the original where as others are just copies of the real mccoy. Why by an imitation when you can get the real thing?

And, that's strike two in the same thread. THIS "Law Enforcement" carried a Les Baer 1911 for years, and others that worked for me carried Smiths, and yes, XD's., in spite of the fact that the dept. issue was a Glock 17. What agency did you work for that allows for such expertise?

Personal choice, and the OP made it pretty clear what his mother's personal choice was, and her personal choice was NOT a Glock, so that's not an issue.

What we're absolutely, positively NOT going to do here is start another "Glock vs. whatever" war. Those, along with "caliber vs. caliber" wars fall into the same cesspool of trolling for a fight, and more than one member here has been shown the door as a result.

I strongly suggest you don't try for strike three.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Pride Goes before a Fall

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

-- Proverbs 16: 18-19 (KJV)

We are more interested in logic and empirical data as compared to posturing.


New member


I would love to help your mother. Please have her give me a call.

Charli Stokes
Panhandle Gunslingers
8th and Georgia (710 S. Georgia)
Amarillo, TX 79106