Attention guys with women problems, here's your 2 'free' guns.

Jack 99

New member
I pass this along because if nobody had told me, I never would have known.

The night before I got married my father-in-law gave me this peice of wisdom which I happily pass on to my fellow TFLers.

When you get married, every new gun purchase will be scrutinized by the wife. Think I'm kidding? Try explaining to your significant other why you need both a .357 mag AND a .44 mag. Start out with the differences in characteristics, ballistics, what the difference in diameter means, etc. When you're done with that, you'll have some idea of what it's going to be like when you have to explain why you need one 12 guage for pheasant and one for goblins.

The first 'free' gun you get is the one you buy soon after the wedding as a present for yourself. "But honey, I've had that gun for years. You just never noticed it." This only works once as your wife will have your guns inventoried within 24 hours of this discovery.

Your second 'free' gun comes about 2 years later, either as an anniversary present or a birthday gift (DON'T make this the first anniversary or first birthday present, you will regret it [my personal experience, not my father-in-laws]). This one is a little dicey, as you have to set her up a little bit beforehand by taking her to gunstores. "See what I bought you, sweetie. Now you don't have to worry when I'm not around." This is a good opportunity to get that little CC pistol you've had your eye on. This also just works once and you've got to be a pretty good actor to really sell it.

After these two, you're on your own.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
"It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich gal as a poor gal." Or a gal who enjoys shooting and hunting.

If she doesn't want to shoot or hunt, or become generally involved, why would any sane guy want to get involved?

While I don't have the problem in bringing new toys home, I note that the pistols and shotguns I keep giving my wife are still available for me to shoot...

Some of them prove to be too heavy for her full enjoyment. Gee. Too bad, how sad...

:), Art


New member
Art if it was only that easy, my girl doesnt like shooting that much......ugh! Things change though :D

Dead [Black Ops]


New member
Then again Art is is even easier to not fall in love and buy all the guns you want without worrying about anyone objecting. That is by far the easiest and why I am OTMG.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Yeah right! My wife would be like "Cool - Thanks! Now take me shooting!"

Crap - there goes the gun I wanted!!!

This in fact DID happen. :(


I just buy her something else as a "fair trade". :-D


New member
Haha, what BS Jack ;) I've been buying firearms all along before I was married and never slowed down after I got married. I just told the wife I was thinking of spending $7K on a NFA weapon, she just rolled here eyes and went about her business ;)


Staff Alumnus
That's why I'm not married yet! I haven't run across a female "shooter" yet. Not just somebody that can "tolerate" guns. I want a shooter!! It's worth the wait :)


New member
I have to listen to the "What the he!! do you need another gun for? You already have 5 handguns and 1 rifle (yes, I must buy more). And this is just my gf. But, alas, she realizes that she is replasable with someone who wouldn't mind me buying guns and gets over it real quick.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I simply decided to avoid marrying a non-gun owner, just as I would not marry someone who can't drive or use a computer. I view ability to use tools as a sign that the person has evolved at least slightly from the common ape-like ancestors.

Jay Baker

New member
The first gun I bought after I got married in 1975, was a nickel plated S&W Mdl. 36 with 3" heavy barrel.... for my wife. She loved it.

Since, she's carried it many-a-mile. She also understands how all those guns in my nice, dark, warm safe, get lonely, and MULTIPLY. What a woman!



New member
This thread has started me to wondering..... today my fiancee asked me what kind of pistol I carried. She didn't want to know if it was a .45 or not. She wanted to know the make and everything. Is my Bul getting a freind on my birthday?!? Who knows!

I can dream can't I.

While I Breath I Hope

[This message has been edited by JCH (edited August 29, 2000).]


New member
Guys, all you have to do is meet your wife AT a gun show like I did. She was Working for the Atlanta Cutlery table (back when my friend Bill Adams owned it). The only problem I've ever had is coming up with enough money to get her that "cute little 38 Special on the table down there"!

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
true story, a Union Gen. once said "Don't worry about those Rebs. They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..SPLAT.


I guess I am lucky. The woman that I find myself madly in love with actually approached me about guns. She asked me very timidly what I thought of guns. I thought to myself oh great here goes this relationship.. When I told her I loved to shoot her eyes lit up and she was so happy that I wouldn't be angry about the Glock 17 in her purse. :eep

I then find out she used to be a police officer, EMT/Medic, and on the Fire Dept. (You should see her comendations) I haven't known her that long and I am ready to pop the question :lol
Only down side. she likes my ARs.. Now I will never get to shoot them GRRRR>.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Art Eatman:
If she doesn't want to shoot or hunt, or become generally involved, why would any sane guy want to get involved?[/quote]

..because I saved yet one another person sittin' on the fence and fell in love with her. What can I say? I guess I'm just a sucker for liberals? :D

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"


How many guns do I have? Well, at a quick glance a S&W 659, 5906 and 4006 look very much the same and as long as they're not seen together, it's ONE gun. The same with my <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> S&W 4506 and 1006 ... ONE gun.
<LI> S&W 6906 and 4013 ... the dimensions are slightly different but at a quick glance, it can pass for the same gun because the shape is the same.
<LI> S&W 4513 and 3913 ... again, one is about half an inch larger in dimensions than the other one but at a quick glance, you can't tell them apart.
<LI> I realize that this is a bit of a stretch, but at a very quick glance, a Raven .25 can pass for a Kahr MK9.</UL>Again, the key is to make sure that similar looking guns are never seen together. So exactly how many guns do I have? Only the shadow knows!