Attention fellow Zonies, and everyone else.

Joe Portale

New member
I got this email from the people at FACT. please go to the link and vote.



Firearms Actions Committee - Tucson
P.O. Box 27321
Tucson, Arizona 85726

November 11, 2001

Are you a terrorist?

The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Maricopa County Sheriff Department is asking you to call them if you know any of the following because they consider you a TERRORIST:

- "defenders" of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN

They would like you to report those who, during a traffic stop:

- Refuse to identify themselves
- Request authority for the stop
- Make numerous references to the US Constitution
- Claim driving is a right, not a privilege

Furthermore, Arizona Attorney General Janet Napolitano is asking the legislature to expand the definition of who is a terrorist.

Do you want to be considered a terrorist because you espouse the Constitution of the united States and Arizona? Do you want to be considered a terrorist because you ask the police officer
what their probable cause was for pulling you over?

If you do any of these things, the FBI and the Maricopa County Sheriff want to know who you are because you are a Right-Wing Extremist or a Common Law Proponent; therefore, a TERRORIST.

You can go to the following link and cast your vote AGAINST expanding the definition of who is a terrorist in Arizona.


New member
Makes me want to move to Tucson. All this war talk and terrorist goings-on makes me itch for a fight. Must be something in the air. Joint task force. I always hated the sound of that.

Do they feel safe doing this now that William Cooper is out of the way?



New member
Has anyone challanged these people to explain what EXACTLY is their problem with ANY portion of The U.S. Constitution ???? The only people that seem to have a problem with it would appear to be those with subversive plans in relation to the freedoms of this country . Isn't the Constitution mentioned in many oaths of office ? I can see letting people deal with a problem BUT since when did innocent people become a problem ? If I insist that they adhere to the Constitution it is only because I do !!!

Joe Portale

New member
You guys are dead on. I really do not know why the politicians dream this stuff up, but they do.

For what it is worth, I work in a management role in the public sector. There are a good number of things that are done because of the promise of or threat of withholding of federal funds. When Federal money talks, your rights start to walk.

The other side of that coin is the politician's own ego. They do not want to go into a campaign and be asked "What did you do against terrorists that lurk behind every trash can in the state?"

It is my opinion that a politician will do, say, sell out or basiclly trample any person, program or right to get re-elected. For a long time, I felt janet was doing a pretty good job as the state AG, then she got into bed with the big money dems, and it has been down hill all the way.