Attention...All WA State Law-Abiding Residents: Make Your Purchase Before 1 July!

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New member
Considering purchasing a "semi-automatic assault rifle"? Get it done before 1 July 2019! That is when the second ultra-intrusive part of the new gun law goes into effect. Note how these laws are directed to law-abiding citizens? Dumba** liberal government doesn't have the cranial capacity to understand that criminals do not attempt to go through federal and state background checks to obtain a weapon. This law, once again, harasses the good folks, not the bad. And that mandatory gun safety class within the last 5 years? The NRA sanctioned hunter safety class I took 52 years ago is a lesson I've practiced my entire life. A caveat...some of this law I can agree with. Most is over the top. WA state is now the new BIG BROTHER I never had. Time to move.

Here is the synopsis of the law:

When do the provisions of Initiative 1639 take effect?

Effective January 1, 2019 the new law

Makes it illegal for a person under 21 years of age to buy a semiautomatic assault rifle.
Makes it illegal for any person to sell or transfer a semiautomatic assault rifle to a person under age 21.
Allows a person between the ages of 18 and 21 to possess a semiautomatic assault rifle:
In the person’s residence or fixed place of business;
On real property under his or her control;
When engaging in, or travel to or from, a lawful outdoor recreational activity;
When engaging in target shooting at an established, authorized range; or
If the semiautomatic assault rifle is unloaded and either in secure gun storage or secured with a trigger lock for the specific purpose of (i) moving to a new residence; (ii) traveling between the person's residence and real property under his or her control; or (iii) legally selling or transferring the firearm.
All of the other provisions in the law take effect on July 1, 2019 including:

Enhanced background check and waiting period requirements for the purchase or transfer of semiautomatic assault rifles. Click here for more information on background checks.
Training requirements to purchase a semiautomatic assault rifle. Click here for more information on training requirements.
Criminal liability for failure to safely secure a firearm under certain conditions. Click here for more information on storage requirements.
Safety warning and safe storage requirements for dealers. Click here for more information on storage requirements for dealers.


New member
"semiautomatic assault rifle"?

As AR does not mean 'assault rifle' and assault rifles are full auto military weapons, such things don't even exist.

Red herring
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