Attempted hijacking foiled


New member
More details to come, but it appears that a lone hijacker attemted to take over a flight out of Miami.

He couldn't get through the reinforced cockpit door and was subsequently subdued, restrained, and treated for injuries.

The flight continued on to South America. Buenos Aires, I think.


New member
Too bad I wasn't on that flight...

At 6'2", and 275, I suspect that he'd have had a bit of trouble breathing with me sitting on his chest for the rest of the flight. Darn.


From Reuters

Man Tries to Enter Cockpit on Flight to Argentina
Thu Feb 7,11:05 AM ET

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - A passenger tried to force his way into the cockpit of a United Airlines flight from Miami to Argentina on Thursday, but was restrained and arrested when the plane touched down in Buenos Aires, the airline said.

Local media reports identified the man as a Uruguayan but that could not be immediately confirmed. Officials did not say whether he was armed. The Argentine air force said he appeared to be "mentally disturbed" and had been overpowered by the crew of United Airlines Flight 855.

"The crew were successful and advised Ezeiza (Buenos Aires' international airport). A special group of aeronautical police entered the plane, took him prisoner and notified a judge," said air force spokesman Jorge Reta.

United Airlines issued a statement saying it had advised the FBI and Interpol about the incident.


New member
From CNN:

"The crew of a United Airlines plane used an ax to subdue a man Thursday when he attempted to enter the cockpit on a flight from Miami, Florida, to Argentina, an airline spokesman said.

Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown said the plane landed in Buenos Aires, Argentina, without incident. She said the ax used to subdue the man was one usually carried on the plane.

Passenger Jan Boyer said he was sleeping when a commotion awoke him and he got out of his seat to investigate.

"I faced an individual who was basically kicking the door of the cockpit in sort of a kung-fu style," Boyer said. "I said, 'What are you doing?' And he said, 'I want to talk to the captain.'

"The cockpit door is divided into two sections, and the lower section actually opens up ... and he had actually inserted himself, his torso into the cockpit," Boyer said. He said he and other passengers jumped on the man, and the plane's co-pilot then hit the man "bluntly on the head" with the ax.

"This led to a lot of blood all over the place," Boyer said. He said the man then was dragged out of the cockpit and restrained.

United spokesman Joe Hopkins said a passenger on United Flight 855 was restrained by the flight crew after he became unruly and tried to enter the cockpit. He had no details on how the main was restrained.

The cockpit of the plane had a reinforced door, the FAA said.

The man, a Uruguayan, was turned over to Argentine police and taken to a hospital. The extent of his injuries was not known."

Rob Pincus

New member
IT's funny.. I was sitting next to an off-duty airline pilot yesterday on my flight back from SHOT and he mentioned that he had his nail clippers taken away but there was a 15 inch Axe in the cockpit with him.....

Sounds like it might be a good idea to let pilots be armed.


New member
I just love how the last 2-3 incidents like this the media first reports that "the crew", ie the "officials", subdued the guy and then it turns out that it was really the passengers.

Liberal moron's are just so adverse to people standing up for one another and for average people being armed.

This mentallity and the way it's been forced on us may have contributed to 9/11. Maybe some passengers in one of the other planes would have done something as well if it wasn't for the constant media message to dial 911 and pray. Oops, they don't want you to pray either....
Tomahawked at high heights. Ahhh... not even Tucumseh could have forseen that. Perhaps we should also give the cabin crew scalping knives. Better yet, give them guns.


New member
Yes, we all know that airport security is a joke, HOWEVER, it should be noted that no weapon was mentioned, and they did not mention that the man was acting in a strange way prior to the flight. Also, note the use of the word "attempted". In this case, the security apparently worked because the man was not able to enter the cockpit. While I know that security screeners are nowhere close to perfect (they're not even close to effective), this may not have been their fault.


New member
Crash Ax

There is a "crash ax" carried on the plane to chop your way out of the plane in an emergency, i.e. after a crash landing and the door is jammed shut. There are locations where the aircraft skin can be easily cut through to exit the aircraft.

Too bad it wasn't used on 9/11.


New member
I'd have liked to hear Tom Brokaw say 'the co-pilot shot the man once in the chest, halting his attack' or something along those lines....