Attempt to Harm Shooting Range


New member
Ben Avery Shooting Facility is located about 10 miles North of Phoenix, Arizona. It is the largest sport recreation shooting facility of it's kind in the world. Comprising of more than 25 ranges on 1650 acres, BASF is managed by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

Last week an attempt to annex 70 acres of the facility including the maintenance compound and main entrance, by the Maricopa County Department of Transportation was stopped by the thoudands of shooters whom use this facility, voicing their opinion of opposition.

Only one week after the proposal was announced, a public hearing was held at the BASF activity center on November 3rd, 1999. Over 500 shooters (many of them carrying) attended the meeting, which was over in 5 minutes as the MCDOT issued a resending opinion and withdrew the proposal. Both their telephone switchboard and e-mail server were swamped with hundreds and thousands of opposition calls.

The voice of the people worked to stop this annex action which would have been the start of the end of this facility. Hat's off to all those active Arizona shooters who voiced their opinions and spread the word to others.
Welcome to The Firing Line and thanks much for this encouraging story. Ben Avery is well known locally, regionally and nationally. The actions taken by those with conviction that ranges like Ben Avery are more Birthright than Granted Privilege should be a lesson to us all.
Rich Lucibella

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
All it takes is for us all to stand and be counted... being armed didnt hurt either.

I like this. :)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud