Attacks On Gun Shows


New member
Attacks On Gun Shows Expected Soon
The gun control lobby that calls itself "Americans for Gun Safety" (AGS) is poised to move forward with its campaign of exploiting the terrorist attacks of September 11 in order to further its anti-Second Amendment agenda. AGS has shamelessly attempted to deceive the American public into believing that terrorists—who are aided by renegade countries that support their murderous agenda with military arms and training, as well as millions of dollars—are shopping at your local gun shows right alongside law-abiding hunters, collectors, and those interested in personal protection. U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.)—the foremost spokesman for AGS in the U.S. Senate—has teamed up with anti-gun U.S. Senators Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and we expect them to try to force a vote in the Senate on their anti-gun show bill, S. 890, some time between now and Independence Day. S. 890 is designed to run gun shows out of business through a variety of registration and licensing schemes and is clearly the first step towards the true goal of banning all legal private sales, including those between friends and family.

It is critical that you contact your U.S. Senators today and urge them to oppose S. 890 when it is brought up for consideration. You can reach your U.S. Senators by calling the U.S. Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Just ask for your Senators’ offices, or give the operator your state.


New member
yeah, as if apu ahied achmed is going to be sold a firearm while standing next to the hunters and collectors. next they'll be saying that the small number of firearms sold at gun shows to potential terrorists are used to guard the drugs they sell so they can buy better weapons, so gun shows are not only supporting the drug trade, but also terrorism.


New member

The headline made me thing of the recent ND/AD incedents at various gunshows.

Was wondering if someone was theorizing that these events were the work of saboteurs...

Unlikely - very unlikely - but an interesting theory :)

Dave P

New member
Terrorists and Gun Shows

Just yesterday talked to a buddy at work. Turns out he just got back from Kabul where we are re-building the radio station that we bombed ?!?

He said that many of the kids where running around with AK47's and that you could buy full auto versions in the local stores for about $250. So, tell me again why Mohammed would want to buy a dozen semi-autos at the local gun show for twice the price?