Attack against US Embassy in Syria

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Actually planned by George Bush and Dick Cheney and carried out by 4 George Bush clones, with major strategic support from the REAL Condi Rice (the one we see on the TV news is a carefully altered alien)?

All in an attempt to expand the GWOT, decrease the chances of immigration reform, hide the truth about the government-planted explosives in the World Trade Center towers, and obtain DNA samples from every US inhabitant so that "flu shots" can be custom tailored to make the mind control serum they contain more effective?

Makes one think, doesn't it?

Baba Louie

New member
'Twas very conveniently timed to come immediately AFTER President Bush's speech last night, neh? Conspiracy Theorists, Unite!
They're all out to get us embroiled into a world conquest one world order w/ GWB as head of the UN. :rolleyes:

At least they got someone to talk to, I gather. One of the crew lived and was captured?
Not only do you get the benefits of tin foil protection, you also are a spiffy looking evil villain...


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Mike, you do have a way with words!

This was a perfectly valid political topic, but rendered in such a way as to make it off topic! Some of you should make note of this.
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