Attaboy, Dubya! (Ending Gun Buybacks!)


Attaboy, Dubya!

Bush has ended the ludicrous and illegal program that HUD has used to "buy back" firearms from American citizens.

Now if he can just get someone to find out where that thieving Cuomo spent our "missing" tax dollars, we can shut the moneypit down for good.

Hey, Mario...that son of yours is just as big a crook as you are.

Thank God [!!!] you got greedy and didn't take that Supreme Court appointment offered by the nation's most infamous sociopath.


New member
Bush Ends Funding For Gun Buyback

Updated: Mon, Jul 23 5:50 PM EDT

By SHANNON McCAFFREY, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration on Monday said it was ending funding for a gun buyback program at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Critics assailed the move as an attack on gun control laws.

The program took about 20,000 guns off the streets in 80 cities in its first year, according to HUD estimates.

The $15 million program began in November 1999 under the Clinton administration. It gave local police departments up to $500,000 to buy guns in and around public housing projects for around $50 each. The guns taken in were then destroyed.

Many police groups supported the program.

Kevin Morison, spokesman for the Washington, D.C., police, said, "It would be hard to believe that not one of the weapons we took off the streets" would have been used in a crime.

But other people have questioned the legality of the program. A General Accounting Office study requested by Rep. James Walsh, R-N.Y., claimed that HUD could not buy guns with funds meant to help eliminate illegal drugs.

The program's opponents also say there is no evidence it has removed criminals' guns from the streets or lowered the death rate from firearms.

"The success of these programs has never been demonstrated in any study," National Rifle Association lobbyist John Frazer said Monday.

Gun control advocates saw the move as further evidence of a Bush administration push to erode gun laws. A few weeks ago, Attorney General John Ashcroft shortened the amount of time that gun purchasers' instant-background-check records can be kept by the government from 90 days to just 24 hours.

"It's sad, but not surprising, to see George Bush and the Republicans turning their party into a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby," said former HUD secretary Andrew Cuomo, who launched the buyback program. Cuomo is currently seeking the Democratic nomination for governor of New York.

HUD officials said that while funding for the program was being eliminated, individual housing authorities could still run buyback programs with their own money if they chose to.

"This is clearly not part of the core mission of HUD," spokeswoman Nancy Segerdahl said Monday. She said HUD was focusing on affordable housing and was no longer participating in the Communities for Safer Guns Coalition begun by Cuomo.

Officials at HUD said funding for the buyback program was cut because the program could make no guarantees that it was decreasing the supply of guns to criminals or that lawbreakers were surrendering their weapons. HUD said buybacks remove only 1 to 2 percent of guns from the streets.

HUD also said that public housing authorities have shown little interest in making use of the program. Only 100 of the 1,000 housing authorities were participating, they said.


New member
Darn! Those things were a profit center for me.

I turned in three complete rusted out junkers that I had picked up while waiting in line. Paid $65 for them to people who didn't want to wait, got $150 for them, used it to help pay for my new Glock.


New member
I have said it before and I'll say it again.....please buy rusted useless old clunkers that I can't give away! 100 or 50 dollars for a rusted piece of doorstop is wonderful......:D



$15 million dollars for 20,000 guns................?
No wonder we are taxed to death!


We definately have the right man in office now. Maybe now that we are saving money here, they can stop threatening the well being of our social security system.


New member
Saving Social Security was another reason to vote in Bush.
However, I'm still holding judgement. I weathered Clinton, but if Bush is as moderate as he seems I may quit voting Republican and switch to wasting my vote on Libertarian.


New member
The $15 million program began in November 1999 under the Clinton administration. It gave local police departments up to $500,000 to buy guns in and around public housing projects for around $50 each. The guns taken in were then destroyed.
I wonder what they will say when these "destroyed" firearms start showing up on the street.


New member
"The program took about 20,000 guns off the streets in 80 cities in its first year, according to HUD estimates."


"Only 100 of the 1,000 housing authorities were participating, they said. "

First off, that 20,000 figure is a HUD estimate. This from a group that misplaced a billion dollars, claiming "it just fell through the cracks".

OK, let's allow that they estimated correctly. An average of 200 guns per housing authority seems pretty high to this non-resident. And, it would be interesting to see what cities these units were located in -- betcha a bunch were in Chicago and Washington where handguns are banned.

We definately have the right man in office now.

Mebbe so, as far as gun control goes, but as for the illegal immigration/Free Trade problems . . . well, IMO Bush is the best president Mexico ever had.
Since when in the hell is diverting money from a designated program to an undesignated on "enforcing gun laws"?

Where do these idiots come up with this stuff?


New member
Who knows, but what the ending of this operation MIGHT lead to some small savings of PUBLIC FUNDS. Be interesting to see that sort of thing, for a change.

J. Williams

New member
Is this fuzzy math or what ; $15,000,000 divided by 20,000. Doesn't that work out to about $750.00 per gun and they only paid out approximately $50.00 per gun?


New member
What was GW thinking? The HUD program was on a roll. Assuming that there's 240,000,000 guns in this country, and about 1% of them are "crime guns," it would only cost about $1.8 trillion to buy back all of the "crime guns" in this country based on the figures quoted above. Sure, $1.8 trillion is a lot, but if it saves one child...

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Really, with our government, about $750.00 for each gun is very good. Study how much money the government funds for welfare programs. Then look at what is actually placed in the hands of welfare recipients. The difference is much greater there than it is here.

The bureaucracy that is in place to oversee the funding eats up most of everything making sure the money is not misspent:rolleyes: