Atlantic Monthly-The Case for More Guns (And More Gun Control) December 2012


New member
An interesting read overall it seems like more good than bad. It did bother when he stated there were no legitimate civilian uses for high capacity magazines. I guess he’s never had to pay for range time while repeatedly reloading ten round magazines.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
Interesting read. I feel like the author is compromising a few of his basic values in order to appeal to the greater audience and bring more people over to the idea of an armed public. I agree with his general thought pattern, but dislike many of the negative examples and fear-mongering he portrayed. If you only read the first page and a half you'd think he just wanted more gun control.


New member
Yeah, I'll join the group and say it was more balanced than I thought it would be.

The video with Joh Rauch of 'Pink Pistols' was worth watching too.

I think the guy is basically saying in a lot of words a concept that should start every debate about guns.

To the anti-gun folk, you are granted the point that with no guns there would be no 'gun violence'.
To the pro-gun folk, you are granted the point that there is no way to get rid of guns.

In my mind's eye I see at every gun/anti-gun debate the gun folk would grudgingly admit the the first point and the anti-gun folk would hear the second point and go 'but...but...but' and then become very confused and huddle up amongst themselves and try to refute the point and come up with ways to do it that would be very similar to a law repealing the law of gravity or a law making pi (3.14...) just 3. (Wouldn't that make so many calculations so much easier?)


New member
BarryLee - I agree, one point in the article deserves special mention:

Drum-style magazines like the kind James Holmes had that night in Aurora, which can hold up to 100 rounds of ammunition and which make continuous firing easy, have no reasonable civilian purpose, and their sale could be restricted without violating the Second Amendment rights of individual gun owners.

Um... No.


New member
From my experience ...

100 round drums are self policing. They suck. :D

Haven't used one yet in an AK or on my Thompson that didn't encounter a feed problem.


New member
100 round drums are self policing. They suck.

While I may not necessarily disagree I still feel you should have the freedom to make that decision and not some misinformed bureaucrat acting out of emotion and not logic.