ATF at Gunshows....


Active member
I attended a gun show this weekend and, for the first time, notice that ATF actually had a table with literature there. Perhaps, because they don't have any guns, I simply haven't noticed them. I've grown accustomed to glazing over the beef-jerky guy, knife folks, toy peddlers, and what-not sellers that I'm thinking that I just never noticed them.

Is ATF setting up tables at gun shows something new, is it a random thing, or have I just been mesmerized by all the gun bling and simply never noticed this?

Also, can you gun dealers (or attendees) really spot the ATF plain-cloths agents? I can't (but then again, I'm looking at guns, not really people). What's the give away?


New member
Never noticed. It seems like they would be a good source of information if you were interested. Go to the source instead of getting someone's opinion on the internet or in a gun store.


New member
New in our area and helpful

Is ATF setting up tables at gun shows something new, is it a random thing, or have I just been mesmerized by all the gun bling and simply never noticed this?
I would say that it is something fairly new or at least to our area and yours. They were there at our first Gun Show of the season and when you spend some time at their table, they do come across as different from your other dealers. Handing out lots of literature and trying to answer any questions you might have. .... :cool:

I would add that of the two questions I asked one of them who was a big black guy and seemed very intelligent, he could not give me a specific answer and instead, just refered me to someone else. Seemed like a couple of nice guys but perhaps, just not happy to be there. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I've seen their tables at numerous gun shows over the years. It's a good idea to have them there, as they can provide valuable information.

Might they have plainclothes guys walking around? Sure. Public event. They can do that.

Superhouse 15

New member
They were at the last show here in central FL, had plenty of paperwork to hand out. They had the Project Childsafe (?) info, printouts of the Personal Firearms Record, etc. I asked her if she had any Form 1s or any NFA stuff, no luck there.


Active member
Maybe that's what happens to ATF agents who made a boo-boo - they are sentenced to serve as "PR" representatives at a gun show, but prohibited from looking around or buying anything!:D That would be torture for me.

Doc Intrepid

New member
If you were involved to any extent with "Fast & Furious" you wind up working gunshows and handing out literature.

Probably NOT career-enhancing!



New member
I saw the ATF at the last gun show. Does anyone subscribe to the thought that maybe they are staying close to the action, kind of like keep your friends close and enemies closer? I don't know, just a thought.


New member
Atf has been at our gun shows in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids for about 10 years now. Never had a problem with them.


New member
Atf has been at our gun shows in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids for about 10 years now. Never had a problem with them.

I do not remember them at the Des Moines shows. I will make a point of looking next time, I have a few questions to ask them.


Active member
Hey, I'd much rather have the ATF at the gun shows, instead of your elected officials shutting them down. If that makes the feds happy, then I'm fine with it. I just find it a bit odd for them to have a table there. I'm assuming that they need to pay the same rate as everyone else to have a table at the show.

Also, I wonder if the ATF agents have to pay the same admission fee?


There are ATF guys who walk around large gun shows in "casual clothes" and try to talk dealers and customers into doing something illegal. We all knew they were ATF but they would come to our shows anyway. I used to see this all through the 1990s on the Midwestern U.S. show circuit. They all looked like they got lost from the country club and stood out from everybody else. :cool: Yeah, I would like to know if they paid the same table fees as the rest of us. Nah. Pay no attention to the ones sitting at a table. They're just window dressing. But look at everybody else like they might have a gold badge.


New member
Have seen them at a few gunshows. And honestly, I like it. They have documentation on getting an FFL, they can hand out Form 1s and Form 4s along with fingerprint cards, etc.

Also it's nice to meet ATF agents that aren't kicking down doors and shooting dogs because someone put a vertical foregrip on their pistol.
Also it's nice to meet ATF agents that aren't kicking down doors and shooting dogs because someone put a vertical foregrip on their pistol.
While I won't deny the horrific abuses that have taken place, the majority of agents on the ground are just trying to do an honest job. If they can do some good by educating folks, all the better.


New member
Seems like a good way to get some good PR with gun owners- just get a nice personable agent or two at the table, and they must also be a source of good info. I'm not seeing a problem

AhChi WaWa

New member
They have been at the Arizona shows regularly for quite some time. The ones doing PR duty wear black polo shirts with ATF embroidered on the breast. The rest of them are undercover and you can bet they are hard to spot. I ws going out to my car and they were busting a couple dudes for something as they reached their car (about 3 cars down from mine). There must have been 8-10 agents with their badges hanging around their necks, there were even two females. What I noticed was they were a mix of white and hispanic (lots of that ethinic in Az) and they seemed to fall into two visual types...
1. Tall (like 6'5" tall) clean cut, late 20's-mid 30's athletic type.
2. Dirtbag biker material, unkempt slob looking - these you would have a very hard time spotting in a typical gun show crowd - they look like many of the bubba's and low life so often seen (no reflection of current company... just say'in).
3.Same for the females - they looked well kempt but a little on the lower end of town side- like a normal gun chick, but their badges sure were bright and shiny.

One tip off is they almost always work in pairs when trying to get someone to screw up. One does the talking and the other is the silent buddy observing everything.