At the moment this looks like victory


New member
My wife stated a principle that we are NOT going to get another gun safe, that anything I get has to fit the one we have. I take that to mean that anything that can fit, I get to have! :D

Since the safe is pretty much empty now (value of safe > contents) it will be a long time before I rue this arrangement. Real glad I went a couple of sizes up from the minimum.


New member
LOL. Very true but you have to be careful there taking them literally. Remember that for sale ad in the want ads....

For sale. Harley Davidson motorcycle. Almost new. Only ridden a couple of times. Must sell. I bought it just last month after asking my wife if I could buy a motorcycle. Apparently "Do whatever the XXXX you want" doesn't mean what I thought it did.

Don P

New member
OMG:eek: how right you are. I found it means I'll break your legs if you buy that and how do you plan on living in it:eek:


New member
Put the safe against a wall that has a room on the other side of it.
Cut the back of the safe out.
Cut a corresponding hole in the wall.
Whala! Now you can keep adding guns to your "gun safe" for the rest of your days! :D


New member
the acorn velcro holsters work great and allow you to put them on the sides and walls/door freeing up a lot of room :D