At night - are your glasses where your gun is?

At night - are your glasses where your gun is?

  • Always

    Votes: 29 60.4%
  • Sometimes I forget

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Haven't given it much thought

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Doesn't apply and/or not crucial in my case

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters


New member
... it's not really a biggie in my case, but I would definitely do better WITH my glasses, should I have to clear the house of BGs ...

... recently I became aware of the fact that my glasses - different to my gun - are not always ready to grab at night ... in fact, most of the time they are in the bath- or dressing room (just where I undress before going to bed) ... only when reading in bed, the glasses happen to be next to the gun on the nightstand ...

... guess I should change this habit and implement a new routine ... have to admit also, that I'm relatively new to the entire having-a-gun-for-defense-scenario ...

cheers and beers
My glasses are on the nightstand, my gun is in the drawer.

I'm pretty much blind in my right eye without my glasses, the left eye isn't too good, either.

Interestingly, though, my night vision is quite excellent.


New member
I got my eyes lasered because the glasses were fogged when I put them on the night the mountain lion came calling near our tent.


New member
Glasses where my gun is by the bed. If they weren't by my bed, I wouldn't be able to find 'em in the morning!!

Phone by the bed so I remember to charge it before I go to bed, and wear it when I wake up! Flash light by my bed. I used to have a cactus by my bed but during the big quake back in '94 I made the mistake of grabbing it instead of my flashlight. :eek:

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Thank you!

That's a very good question, one I'd never thought of. As of this evening about 10:00, they'll be within arm's reach of my bed room revolver.


New member
Being the ultimate tactical night-warrior that I am, mine are on a lanyard around my neck. The frames are made of a titanium alloy and the lenses of bulletproof glass, so they don't break as I toss and turn. :D


p.s. A shot to my face would be a futile attempt to stop me.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
My shooting glasses, telephone, electronic hearing protectors, revolver and about 10 moonclips are all in the same location next to the bed. Don't need a flashlight because my wife is into nightlights and the whole house is dusk bright.

I figure the hearing protectors are a plus as they amplify sounds to the point that a conversation 50 yards away sound right next to you. Nice to know what the BGs have to say as you hang on for 911 response.


New member
In my case the specs are semi-important. I'm not totally blind, but if I got a sec to put em' on while my rottie is eating or being killed by the perp then you better believe I'm gonna throw em' on.


New member
Igo for my glasses first. Can't hit what you an't see.



New member
BG's won't wait for you to locate them and then put them on.

While a good idea to keep them close at hand and close to your night gun, I think it's a good idea to practice (at least at close range) without them.

Best to be prepared for that possibility.........

Ron L

New member
Glasses are always where they should be and gun is always where it should be, not necessarily together but within easy grasp.


New member
Sort of.

I sometime sleep in different rooms in the house. I have a single place in each of the three differnet options when I store my glasses and a single place in each of the three different rooms where I put my house gun. They are always the same but not in the same place. Glasses are next to me, pistol under me.