At a crossroads

chris in va

New member
Not having much luck with my 21SF in competition. I do a lot better with my CZ 75BD. Looking at the 97B, mulling over whether it's worth sacrificing lighter weight, capacity and simplicity for a gun I can actually hit something with.

I've only shot a 97 once, years ago and only one mag through it. I just remember how it felt so natural and hit exactly where I aimed. Didn't hurt that it had a trigger job, but anyway.



New member
My thoughts are that whether for competition or self defense, shot placement and follow up shot speed are the most important factors in shooting. I LOVE my G21 SF and hate to say it, but if you shoot the CZ better and it's equally reliable, go with it.


New member
In my hands, CZ's are far more "shootable" than Blocks. Better sights, trigger, ergos, etc. The 97 is typical of CZ's in terms of engineering and quality.


New member
Use what works for you, that's it. A $3000.00 custom gun that you can't shoot is not worth owning. Use what will work and keep practicing, as you get better then something different may work. Then think about changing.