Associated Press (AP) - what do we know about this co.?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Many of us have recently noted that the AP story about Elian's seizure referred to the H&K MP5's as 'rifles'. A good friend pointed out to me the other day that nearly 75% of our newspaper is made up of AP stories.

Does anyone on TFL know much about AP, and / or Reuters for that matter? There appears to be a bias - is that an accurate impression, in your opinion? Who owns these services? In essence, are they an adversary in the RKBA struggle, and if so, what can we learn about them, and how might we counter their bias most effectively?

Thanks. Regards from AZ


New member
I see your point. Like someone said here earlier... "If I want an AR-15 it is an assault weapon, but if the government uses an MP5 (machine gun) it is a rifle! Go figure!"

The AP needs to be fair to both sides in this thing. Go get em!


Second Amendment Activist's Forum


"The Associated Press is not a company, at least not in the traditional sense of the word. They are a not-for-profit cooperative run by an elected board..."

Kind of like the International Monetary Fund or the United Nations...

We are *not* amused.



Moderator Emeritus
RickD - Neither am I :(

This is from their "APs Mission" page.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The AP's Mission

The Associated Press is in the information business. Its fundamental mission is to provide state, national and international news, photos, graphics, broadcast and online services of the highest quality, reliability and objectivity to its domestic owners as economically as it can. The AP is a member-driven company.

News bearing the AP logotype is expected to be accurate, balanced and informed. AP feels that unrestricted access to the sources of news is essential if those standards are to be met by the AP and other news organizations.

The AP seeks no special privilege beyond free access. It believes that the more journalistic voices the world hears, the better informed it will be.

The major obstacles the AP encounters in collecting a factual global news report are restricted access, explicit or implicit censorship and pressure against correspondents, extending as far as expulsion and kidnapping. <snip>[/quote]

"...expected to be accurate, balanced and informed." HA! :rolleyes:

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


New member
Wow. If the AP actually believes it's "accurate, balanced, and informed" its view of reality is so skewed as to approach the delusional. Otherwise, it's as big a liar as Clinton himself. :mad:

However, that the AP is "member-driven" I can well believe--just like the ACLU is "member driven!"


New member
Don't knock AP too hard. They had an employee willing to go all the way to capture the essence of tyrrany on film. "The Picture" of Elian being snatched by a JBT is doing a lot of good for the cause of freedom.


New member
If you search AP articles you can usually get both sides of any story. To me the real question is "Who owns the newspapers and other news outlets?"
They only publish what they wish to have us see from their political viewpoints. In my area we at one time had a Democratic (liberal) newspaper, a Republican (conservative) newspaper, and a Union (labor) newspaper. They are now all owned and printed by the organization that owned the Democratic newspaper. Guess which editorial group runs the show.

simonov jr

New member

Let 'em know. I did.

Dear AP: If I buy an MP-5, even in civilian form, you call it an "assault weapon". When a fed uses it IN AN ASSAULT, it is a "rifle". You don't even PRETEND you're objective anymore, do you?

[This message has been edited by simonov jr (edited April 29, 2000).]