Assisting the police


New member
Mods, this may not have much firearm content, but I thought it was a great incident.

On a weekend night recently, our security staff at the bar was clearing the parking lot of patrons, one guy kept trying to start fights with everyone. I wanted to use pepper spray on him, but he didn't give an opportunity to justify me to do so. But when he started pulling his pants down and wagging his junk at us, taunting everyone, saying 'what you gonna do now?' i was already shaking up the can of Sabre Red, a little burst of that on exposed skin is not a picnic!
But a cruiser was rolling up on him, turned lights on, so myself and another bouncer approached to assist the lone officer, he was putting the guy in cuffs as the two females with the guy were trying to stop the officer. We just stepped between the officer and the females, so he could finish cuffing the guy. The officer decided all three would be arrested, and took one of the females to place in cuffs. The other female takes off running. Officer tells me 'Don't let her leave', so I pursue. Without being given detailed instructions on what I can do, all I was preparing to do was put her in an armbar, but she jumped in a truck, locked the door. She rolled the window down enough for me to tell her 'The officer is not done with you, I can't let you leave', shes arguing, and when she sees the Officer approaching, puts the truck in drive and starts taking off.
The Officer slashes her front right tire as she is pulling away, four of us kept the vehicle in visual range until another cruiser caught up to the vehicle four blocks away.
We got to spend an extra hour writing up incident reports for the Officer. The police we have in the downtown area usually work alone, and thats not the first time we have been asked to help out, but it was by far the most fun we've had in a long time.


Staff In Memoriam
As a whimpy 16 year old I stuck a tire on a one ton dually... He was being a stupid threatening to hit me and I was a young guy young dumb and full of... VINEGAR and refused to back down from an adult...


Now you know the "fun" part of our job .

Cap.... Spiff likes it...I think he is LE material, except they wont hire anyone over 475 at 4"11, he is too short :)

And you wonder why that chick took off :)

WildwhenbowlingballsattackAlaska ™


New member
Well Spiff,
At least you helped because you were asked to. Too many folks end up getting in the cop's way intending to help, and wind up doing more harm than good.


Now to add the scenario aspect, what if she had turned and fired at you. This being Alaska of course.......:D How does she know you are there at the direction of the police? Do you have rights to use physical force upon her? She sees this huge guy lumbering after her?

WildsowhatdoyoudoAlaska TM


New member
Next time I see the Officer I'll check out his knife, the real tactical guys have fixed blades.
No she wasn't cute. Preggers to boot. Sober, but mouthy. First thing out of her lips when the guy was being put in cuffs was "I'm calling the police station, you cant put your hands on someone like that."
I like how everyone turns into a law expert.

Tanzer, our bar has a good relationship with the local police, even though in the public eye, our bar tends to have a bad reputation, police like that we do our job as professionals. We get a lot more respect from them than any other bar downtown.

Good question. Had she weilded a weapon, she would have had the upper hand. All I have on me is a knife, pepper spray, and two sets of cuffs. Oh yeah and a Surefire. Her being in her vehicle limited my options. I surely wouldn't have been justified to slash a tire. If she was out of the vehicle, I could have taken her to the ground, thats would have been appropiate, I could have sprayed her had she become combative.

It wouldnt have surprised me if the Officer had opened fire into the vehicle, the way she was pulling away could have been construed as her trying to run him over, theres been a couple of incidents in the last few months of police opening fire on drivers using their vehicles as deadly weapons against police.

Don't worry, WA, I'm recognized quite easily by just about anyone in the back parking lot. :D


New member
she wasn't cute. Preggers to boot. Sober, but mouthy.

Just the way I like 'em; well, all but the sober part.

I might chase in this situation, but probably not in any other but it depends on how the rut has been goin'.


Don't worry, WA, I'm recognized quite easily by just about anyone in the back parking lot.

Helly Spiffy, you are the most recognizable dude in are a....TOURIST ATTRACTION :)

WildgonnachargeadollarAlaska ™


New member
why does this incident of bar bouncers apprehending folks for Cops smack of a 'mall ninja' mentality?

I don't know... from reading the story it appears the officer directed them to assist. There's nothing "mall ninja" about that in my book.


why does this incident of bar bouncers apprehending folks for Cops smack of a 'mall ninja' mentality?

If ya ever went to Spiffs bar you would know what he is talking about...but to enlighten you, its the job of the security staff there to clear the Parking Lot...a job that in and of itself frequently requires LE assistance.

Right now, its the roughest imbibing place in Anchorage IMHO

WildsimplynastyAlaska ™

Spade Cooley

It sounds to me like the Bar is acting responsible by hiring bouncers and clearing the lot of trouble. A Citizen is often obligated to assist the Officers in most States when requested to do so. I would draw the line when it came to using any extreme force on the female who had done nothing but interfer with an arrest. I'm sure the incident will be noted on the record and if this kind of thing prompts police response too often, their license could be revoked.

Billy Sparks

New member
Helly Spiffy, you are the most recognizable dude in are a....TOURIST ATTRACTION

And I am still peeved that I didn't get to see the elusive spiffy during my trek up north.

Actually most of the bars or clubs here are responsible for clearing there own parking lots. Not like I know I never really fit into the whole bar/club scene.


New member
I was a great bouncer many years ago. Chasing down a pregnant woman is a great way to get into all kinds of trouble. Once the police arrive, and if they're not being physically overwhelmed, your job is done. I would of followed her at a safe distance and taken the plates.

I saw my job as a bouncer as minimizing risk for my boss. I cooperated with the police, but they didn't sign my check.

ESI Agent

New member
I worked clubs for years biker bars, sports bars and alot of Asian clubs with lots of gangmembers. Clubs are always trouble and I can't count haw many times I've been in confrontations or jumped for that matter. It a tuff way of making a buck. What makes alot of security jobs so dangerous is the fact that your there before,during and after the fact. As oppose to law enforcement that arrives in most cases after the fact spends a few minutes there and then leaves, but your still their and the bad guns know that and most cases your by yourself.Bad guys do come back and I've been shot at a few times by people I offended just by enforciing the establishments policy. Hope your making some real money. Be safe.