Assault Weapons Ban

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I did a quick search on this sub-forum and came up with nothing.

Can someone give me a quick run-down on what exactly will be banned if a non-specific President and congress made this law permanent as has been indicated would be done by potential non-specific individuals? What does "permanent" mean? Can't laws be repealed or re-written? Or was there a time limit instilled on the previous ban and the idea is to not include one should the ban be implemented again?


New member
The original AWB had a 10 year sunset provision in it, which caused it to terminate in September 2004. The plan currently is to have a new ban put in place that would have no termination date, and thus would never expire. It would remain place for as long as the US exists.

As for repealing such a ban, it is theoretically possible. However, every effort to repeal the prior ban failed miserably. There is no reason to believe that a future ban would not be similarly immune from legislative change. If we allow such a ban to proceed, our sole hope would be the courts and that is a very slim hope.
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Research demonstrated that the last ban had no effect on any crime indicator.

There were two conclusions from this:

1. Gun world - all laws are stupid - pass no more laws
2. Antigun world - prevent crime world - the last law was ineffective as it did not ban new weapons of similar efficacy or get rid of the existing stock.

Guess what a new ban law would probably propose?

As how to stop a new ban:

1. Panic, move to mountains, threaten rebellion, buy overprice items and bury them.
2. Think of a political strategy (that isn't just ranting) that would convince those in power that a ban isn't to their advantage and isn't really useful in preventing violent crime.

King Ghidora

Think of a political strategy (that isn't just ranting) that would convince those in power that a ban isn't to their advantage and isn't really useful in preventing violent crime.

The public has scared Congress out of passing a couple of things in the recent past by calling continuously and writing profusely. The NRA didn't succeed in getting the last AWB repealed but they sure kept Congress from passing a new one. Bush said he would sign a new one if that tells you anything. It tells me you can't trust anyone from either party. Still one party is dedicated to gun control more than the other.

Our best hope is to be as loud as possible. The NRA is a cash eating cow but it's a necessary evil IMO. Without the NRA we would have to invent something similar or just give up the fight. Lobbying in the US is an ugly thing but sometimes you have to pay the fiddler if you want to dance.


No one knows what will be banned since Rama Lama hasn't said the same thing twice. Do a Google for the "Brady Bill" and that'll give you a good start. The original ban had a time limit.

A law passed by Congress can only be repealed by Congress. The18th Amendment is a good example.

How to stop it? Write your Congressmen and Representatives. Call them. eMail them. Visit them. Be loud. Start now.


New member
I don't see why the Federal Government feels this is their business anyway. Keep it in the States. You like gun control laws? Move to California. Want less gun control? Move to Utah.

What are/were the basics of the law? Were there specific firearms listed or was it just a general ban on hi-cap magazines, thus affecting any firearm that had a higher capacity of 10?

What did/does it mean to individuals that already own said firearms? Does it mean they are no longer authorized to own them and possession is illegal? Or does it mean they they can own them, but not use them? Or does it mean they can own and use them, but that no new sales of these firearms is allowed?


Repealed? Maybe. But SCOTUS can strike down any law.

And how do you think THAT'S gonna go down when a couple of conservatives retire and the liberal pres. appoints his own?

Heller was passed 5-4, that's not a wide enough margin for me.


New member
Gun Bans

I certainly hope with the state the US is in that "Gun Control" is last on the "How to Save America" list. Wouldn't it be great if the people in Washington got a clue that "bad guys" probably don't swing by gander mt. to buy their guns? they probably don't follow the law anyway? the only thing these bans hurt are the honest working Americans. Criminals will always find away around it.


New member
As how to stop a new ban:

1. Panic, move to mountains, threaten rebellion, buy overprice items and bury them.
2. Think of a political strategy (that isn't just ranting) that would convince those in power that a ban isn't to their advantage and isn't really useful in preventing violent crime.
3. Educate those around you as to why they don't want it either and take them shooting. Get them active and signed up for the NRA and others.
4. Call your local government and get them to voice rejection of any attempt at AWB.


New member
The latest incarnation of the AWB is already a house bill. Search for H.R. 1022.

Normally there would not be much interest in passing MOAGL (Mother Of All Gun Laws),but...Things to consider:

  • HR 1022 is ready made and could be passed by the new Congress and signed by the new President at the drop of the hat, if they feel so inclined.
  • One whacko with an AR15, mini-14, M1 Carbine, or SKS shoots up a school and HR-1022 would be passed in a heart beat (just a matter of time).
  • Obama was supported heavily by George Soros and other left wing/statist extremists/foreign interests and they will want their pound of flesh from the right sooner or later
  • If you really want to be "President For Life (Dear Leader)" then it is best to get guns out of the serfs' hands
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