Assault on the freedom of citizens

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An assault on the freedom of citizens to own firearms has just become a main element in the 2014 election. No doubt the spin will be that guns not the dredded "T" word is the problem.


New member
The media is already telling us it's not about a Muslim, it's an unstable person, instead. That, and two Congressmen issuing press releases about gun control.

And, of course, the pro-2nd Amendment Bernie Sanders is falling all over himself about 'common sense gun control'.

Practically dancing in the victims blood on the way to the microphone.


New member
"Never let a good crisis go to waste" said Obama's former chief of staff.
Few pols will say it but they're all waiting for the right moment.
Most of their staffs that are well prepared for the next shooting / financial collapse / earthquake etc to introduce their perfect solution, and give their already prepared speech and dust off the waiting legislation.
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New member
"Practically dancing in the victims blood on the way to the microphone."

A danse macabre if you ask me.
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