Asp 9mm pistol


New member
Anyone here own an original Asp, or a Devel Asp 2000? Do you have any pics? Thanks. Regards 18DAI.


New member
the final derivation of the M39..

wish I did mine when living in Cleveland. :(

Would like to get the dimensions for the cross pin that stopped the second round from feeding into the feed ramp and like to modify the hammer to the Devel configuration.


New member
Does this help?'s%20collection/devel/devel10-r.jpg

There are many more in the collection there that can be viewed.

Mr. Novack has quite the collection, almost makes one want to send a S+W off to him and tell him to duplicate it which I am certain he could. What our bank account can bear is a whole diffirent story.


New member
As I understand it the pin or roller bearing they installed prevented forward movment of the round under recoil thus preventing subsequnet jams. I beleive some of the modifications to S+W auto magazine geometry acomplishes the same thing.