Ashcroft detailed answers on guns


New member
The President has explained that he wishes to give prosecutors the resources they need to aggressively enforce our gun laws and provide more funding for aggressive fun law enforcement programs such as Texas Exile and Project Exile in Richmond, Virginia.
Hmm, "aggressive fun law enforcement." Maybe he's been watching too many cop shows. ;)


New member
A rather interesting (if not lengthy) read.
A lot of the questions seemed to be rather petty, along the lines of "When you were in Congress how come you didn't vote
for _MY_ bill? huh! why not! awww, come on..."

Or else they are trying to get his support for their little pet projects.

Oh, didn't add it up, but a lot of proposals are bandied about in there to expand various federal programs (not just gun-related, everything.)

That's your money and my money that they're spending there, folks.