Ashcroft - calling all "snitches"


Member In Memoriam
Just catching part of Ashcroft's latest "snitch & get a fast-tracked us citizenship perk" press-flab.



Member In Memoriam
Here's a link.

"Immigrant Incentive
U.S. Promises Aid for Terrorist Tipsters

Nov. 29 — Attorney General John Ashcroft today announced a new initiative to give immigrants an incentive to tip off authorities about terrorists.

Ashcroft announced the new "responsible cooperators program" would put people providing reliable information about terrorists on a pathway to getting U.S. citizenship. Others can smooth out trouble obtaining entry visas if they cooperate with the terror probe.

"We are asking all non-U.S. citizens who are present in the United States or who seek to enter our country to come forward to the FBI with any valuable information they have to aid in the war on terrorism," Ashcroft said.

Under the program, the Bush administration would defer deportation indefinitely for illegal aliens and would allow those with visa problems to enter the country if they could provide information that is "reliable and useful in the apprehension of terrorists or prevention of acts of terrorism."

Federal prosecutors would determine if the information meets the standard of being "reliable and useful" in the investigations, Ashcroft said.

The announcement follows growing criticism over the past few weeks that the Bush administration has gone too far in the domestic campaign against terrorism and is in danger of violating the civil rights of some people detained after the Sept. 11 attacks.

In the past month, prosecutors have interviewed more than 5,000 men, mostly of Middle Eastern descent. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, more than 600 aliens in the United States have been detained, of which the names of only about 100 people have been released.

The most controversial move has been the administration's advocacy of a system of secret military tribunals that could be used to try alleged accomplices in the attacks.

But Aschroft defended the latest measures on Good Morning America today. Regarding the Justice Department's failure to release the names of 548 detainees, Aschcroft said the detainees had the ability to contact their lawyers and families who could release their names.

"I'm not going to make a blacklist that identifies all of these people as potential terrorists when some day their names could be cleared or the information about them might reveal that they're not terrorists," he said.



Staff Emeritus
I guess the next step would be "educating" children to tell their teachers if the kids' parents voice treasonous or terroristic comments about any government person or policy.

Naww. It's just politics. Not to worry. It can't happen here.

President Bush is America!
America is President Bush!

{{ Let's see now. Today's vocabulary list:
- Papiere, bitte.
- Nicht bewegen!
- Haende hoch!
- Halt, oder ich schiesse!
Hmmm. Was that "i" before "e" or.... oh, well.}}

Hey! Did you hear about the spiffy new armband on the Statue of Liberty?